BAE Systems showcases advanced technologies onboard HMS Prince of Wales in Liverpool

Posted on 2 March, 2020 by Advance 

A series of cutting-edge BAE Systems technologies and innovations will be on show today as aircraft carrier HMS Prince of Wales docks in the North West of England for the first time, as part of a landmark event to celebrate the best of UK engineering and to mark decades of innovation and excellence in engineering past, present and future.


An F-35 simulator.
Courtesy BAE Systems

The event, being led by UK Naval Engineering Science and Technology (UK NEST), will take place on board the UK’s newest Carrier as it docks for several days following its maiden voyage to Liverpool.

BAE Systems played a leading role in delivering the 65,000 tonne ship to the Royal Navy and will today showcase a range of leading capabilities from across its Air and Maritime domains, in the Carrier’s hangar section.
The second of the UK’s Queen Elizabeth Class (QEC) Carriers, HMS Prince of Wales, is affiliated with Liverpool, as well as Bristol and has arrived in the northern city having set sail from its home in Portsmouth. When the giant vessel enters service it will carry F-35B Lightning II jets, a programme on which BAE Systems is a key partner.
Martin Douglas, Chief Engineer, QEC, for BAE Systems, said: “We are delighted to have the opportunity to support this event and we are looking forward to displaying some of our fantastic technologically advanced capabilities and innovations to visitors over the coming days.
“We are extremely proud of our unique role in the design, build and support of both Queen Elizabeth Class aircraft carriers and fifth generation F-35 aircraft. Both of these complex engineering programmes have brought together the very best of UK skills, talent and innovation, and we hope will inspire the next generation of engineers.
“As a business, we must always look ahead. The revolutionary advanced manufacturing technologies and techniques we are working on today are allowing us to develop more affordable and capable products for our customers now and into the future.”