BAE Systems providing sustainment services to USAF

Posted on 6 February, 2018 by Advance 

Under a $37 million (£26.5m) contract, BAE Systems will continue providing the United States Air Force (USAF) with support services that manage obsolete parts for aircraft, weapon systems and a range of electronics and equipment.
Courtesy USAF

The company has held this contract for the past eight years with the Air Force’s Strategic Alternative Sourcing Program Office.
Under the new award, BAE Systems’ Advanced Component Obsolescence Management (AVCOM) will continue to help users forecast when parts that are used in Air Force systems and platforms will become obsolete. With access to a database comprised of millions of parts and part types, AVCOM also assists logistics supply mangers in identifying additional suppliers when needed, as well as suitable replacement parts available across the marketplace. AVCOM helps the Air Force be more proactive in reducing sustainment costs, while helping to mitigate potential redesigns caused by changes in part availability or obsolescence.
“We help our customers anticipate, manage, and sustain any system, to maximize its effectiveness throughout its life cycle,” said Al Whitmore, president of BAE Systems’ Intelligence & Security sector. “AVCOM offers assurance that the parts and raw materials Air Force personnel need are available, and it gives them ample time to address potential risks of shortages before problems arise.”
AVCOM has supported a number of Air Force programs with obsolescence management since 1991. Work on the latest award will be performed at the company’s facilities in Florida, Georgia, Oklahoma and Utah, and will support Air Force operations worldwide.