BAE Systems playing pivotal role in Movement to Work

Posted on 5 April, 2016 by Advance 

Movement to Work aims to tackle youth unemployment through the provision of high quality vocational training and work experience, giving young people the skills and confidence to take the first steps into their careers.

Through the Movement to Work scheme, BAE Systems has provided work experience for 149 young people and employed 61 of those candidates directly following their placement.

Youth unemployment is estimated to cost the UK £28 billion over the next decade.

With 40% of all unemployed people in the UK between the ages of 16 and 24, the Movement to Work initiative - backed by the UK Government, trade unions and the CBI - is targeted at 18-24 year olds who are not in education, employment or training, aiming to support 50% of the young people completing placements into paid employment, apprenticeships or further study.


Movement to Work is engaging with suppliers, partners and business networks, to form the supply chain cascade.

The scheme looks to provide high quality work experience and training placements, adding value to employers and young people, linking placements, where possible, to jobs or apprenticeships to create sustainable employment.

It has achieved over 37,000 placements since October 2013 and is moving towards placements for 100,000 unemployed young people.

Over 200 companies have joined the scheme to date which is looking for more collaborative partners to become members of a unique group of employers who are pivotal in impacting the youth agenda.

To find out more about how Movement to Work can benefit your business, visit:

Or contact:

Victoria Cope
Supply Chain Lead
Movement to Work
BAE Systems Head Office - Office of CEO
Mobile: +44 (0)7525391227