BAE Systems deploys Semarchy's xDM platform

Posted on 18 July, 2017 by Advance 

BAE Systems has deployed Semarchy's xDM platform to harness the enormous amount of operational and engineering data the business relies upon.

BAE Systems looked to Semarchy as a disruptive solution that would provide a greater consistency of data for the back-office systems at a level of granularity which dusty legacy MDM solutions are incapable.

"After hearing about Semarchy being an innovator, we decided to investigate further," said Tony Croughan, Head of Programme (Business Transformation) for BAE Systems, Military Aircraft & Information (MA&I). "We're undergoing a major transformation of our back-office systems which necessitates data consistency to assure proper integrations between many different systems. Semarchy hands control from IT over to our business users and data stewards, which is extremely appealing and like nothing we had seen on the market."

BAE Systems put Semarchy through rigorous testing to meet its quality and security requirements. The Semarchy Proof-of-Value approach allowed for a much faster implementation once it passed all testing. Rather than give BAE Systems a demo version, BAE personnel were able to see a live working model of the solution and then iterate from that starting point to catapult it to a fully-functional system.

"BAE Systems is a globally respected firm, with high expectations of their technology vendors and a rigorous testing process for new solutions," said Richard Branch, VP and GM for Semarchy UK. "When we first approached BAE about our Intelligent MDM solution, we knew this would be a huge undertaking. We are honoured that xDM surpassed expectations in speed, ease of use and accuracy. We are looking forward to a continued relationship, demonstrating our smart, agile and measurable approach to managing master data."

As an Intelligent Master Data Management (MDM) company, Semarchy enables semantic consistency in an enterprise-centric fashion. The agile design goes beyond conventional 'golden record' tools, focusing on empowering and organising the data stewardship function to provide trusted MDM across any domain. Semarchy xDM implementations start with business processes, including information governance from the ground-up and concentrating on delivering measurable ROI to a business in just a few weeks.