BAE Systems completes HMS Lancaster upgrades

Posted on 1 August, 2022 by Advance 

HMS Lancaster departed Portsmouth Naval Base last week, marking the completion of a period of maintenance and upgrades delivered by BAE Systems to optimise her for upcoming deployments.

Image courtesy BAE Systems

The Royal Navy Type 23 Frigate will now spend a brief period on NATO tasking ahead of further deployments.

Like all Type 23s, HMS Lancaster is a highly versatile multi-role warship. In the past year, HMS Lancaster has undergone three major Fleet Time Support Periods (FTSPs) with BAE Systems in order to optimise and upgrade her capabilities, including:

Upgrades to the bridge, messes and crew accommodation facilities

The swap-out of two diesel generators simultaneously, a rare and significant undertaking which was completed ahead of schedule

New capabilities across communications, navigation and defence systems

Planned maintenance of various mechanical systems such as valves and propellers alongside emergent tasks such as hull maintenance and deck repairs

“In preparation for her tasking our teams have delivered three highly successful FTSPs,” commented Dean Kimber, Head of Asset Management for BAE Systems’ Maritime Services business.
“We are immensely proud of the work we have done. The hard work and expertise of the team throughout these major maintenance and upgrade periods alongside their agile responses to changing requirements and emergent work, means HMS Lancaster will leave Portsmouth optimised for any role the Royal Navy should require of her.
”All at BAE Systems extend their thanks to the ship’s staff for their close collaboration and input throughout HMS Lancaster’s support periods and wish the crew a safe and successful onward journey.”