BAE Systems awarded Dstl science research contract

Posted on 20 June, 2019 by Advance 

BAE Systems has been awarded a four year contract to manage a framework for the delivery of cutting edge human, social and behavioural science research by Defence Science and Technology Laboratory (Dstl), an executive agency of the Ministry of Defence (MoD).
Courtesy Dstl

Customers originating from across MoD and other Government Departments are seeking to use this framework to commission research that will help them to understand the workforce challenges in increasingly demanding, complex and connected environments and to make sure they can best protect and support their committed and professional employees and enhance their performance.

BAE Systems was selected due to its strong people values, experience, research and technological know-how which will be essential in defining, managing and co-ordinating the research framework.

The framework will build an open network of suppliers from small and medium-sized enterprises, universities and industry and BAE Systems is inviting organisations to join their supplier network to be eligible to bid for Customer research requirements across six technical themes: personnel; training and education; humans in systems; human performance; understanding and influencing human behaviour; health, well-being and enhancing medical systems and capabilities.

Dr Helen Cole, Director of the Human Social Science Research Capability at BAE Systems, said: “The insight and analysis resulting from the Human Social Science Research Capability Framework is needed to help shape current and future defence and security strategy, policy and capability. This framework allows us to use our expertise and understanding to connect with experts from across academia and enterprise to deliver the research that is required.”

Parties interested in becoming part of the framework can register their interest and find out more about current opportunities by emailing or visiting the website.

Specific opportunities will be available in the following subject areas:


Training and Education

• Accelerating and enhancing team performance

• Retaining key skills

• Improving Training and Education Efficiency

• Exploiting Learning Analytics to improve delivery of Defence Training and Education

• Personalisation in Training and Education

• Training for cognitive agility

• Building, growing, and nurturing the Defence Learning EcoSystem


• Tracking and management of knowledge, skills, experiences and other attributes

• Engaging and Rewarding the Future Workforce

• Creating a workforce more representative of wider society

• Securing the Future Workforce

• The relationship between Defence and society

• Radical organisational concepts and structures

Human in Systems

• Enhancing Human Centred Design across Defence

• Assessing and predicting the through-life cost effectiveness of Defence capabilities

• Novel Human Machine Interfaces for future systems design

Human Performance

• Enhancing Human Cognitive Performance

• Optimising performance of people undertaking prolonged complex work

• Novel strategies to sustain performance of complex tasks

• Assessing the benefits of ergogenic aids