Babcock pledges to reduce emissions to net zero by 2040

Posted on 10 June, 2021 by Advance 

Babcock have signed the Business Ambition for 1.5o Pledge to limit global warming in line with the Paris Agreement, enabling it to join the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), Race to Zero and the We Mean Business Coalition.

Image courtesy Babcock

This pledge commits Babcock to setting science-based emission reduction targets aligned with 1.5oC, which we aim to achieve by 2030, and sets us on course for decarbonising our estate, assets and operations to reach our overarching goal of net zero emissions by 2040.

David Lockwood, CEO said: “Babcock is committed to playing our part in addressing the Global Climate Crisis. Through our Plan Zero 40 approach, we will minimise the impact of our operations and strive to embed the highest standards in environmental management and protection.

"We will also grasp the opportunity to be a leader in low carbon enablement and drive low carbon innovation throughout our value chain. Achieving our targets will require commitment, innovation and collaboration between our employees, customers, suppliers and wider stakeholders and we look forward to working together will all our partners on the journey to net zero.”