AVM Simon Ellard visits UKMFTS

Posted on 9 March, 2022 by Advance 

Air Vice Marshal (AVM) Simon Ellard, Director Combat Air, visited the UK Military Flying Training System at RAF Valley (UKMFTS) to view first-hand the pilot and rear crew training delivered by Defence Equipment & Support (DE&S) and its industry partners, delivering the next generation of world-class Royal Air Force and Royal Navy aircrew.

Image courtesy DE&S / Crown copyright

The UKMFTS delivers new aircraft systems and synthetic training environments to train and prepare the next generation of aircrew for active frontline service  such as the and the iconic. The programme is delivered by Ascent Flight Training, in a 25-year contract awarded by DE&S.

During his visit, Air Vice Marshal Ellard tried out the virtual reality flight simulator, which is used in the fast-jet training programme and is modelled on the Texan T1 aircraft.

AVM Ellard also visited 202 Squadron, which provides training for maritime, mountain, and search and rescue helicopter aircrew through the Rotary Wing Training programme. The trainees gain invaluable experience in winching over land and water, while operating .

Reflecting on the day, Air Vice Marshal Ellard said: “I was delighted to see at first hand the close working relationship between DE&S, industry partners and our customers to deliver trainees to the front line. The open dialogue and insights from the day are already providing dividends in unlocking further improvements to ways of working, a reflection of how mature our joint relationship is.”

AVM Ellard went on to visit 72 Squadron, Ascent and Affinity, which covers basic fast-jet training in the Basic Flying Training pipeline. Here, AVM Ellard viewed the Texan T1 aircraft, hangar and schoolhouse facilities.

The visit concluded with a visit to IV and XXV Squadron, which delivers advanced fast-jet training, operating BAE Systems Hawk jets. The Advanced Jet Training pipeline is the final step before trainees proceed to frontline roles, operating military aircraft such as F-35 Lightning II and Typhoon jets.