Armoured vehicles' potential examined at SMi's London conference

Posted on 15 February, 2016 by Advance 

Supported by the UK Military, this year's event will feature four host nation addresses from senior leaders responsible for platform capability and military operations:
1.    Lieutenant Colonel Mark Cornell - Royal Signals, SO1 Requirements Manager, Battlefield and Tactical CIS Delivery Team, ISS, JFC, UK MoD, will present on the development of “Morpheus” as an enhanced means of battlefield communication for UK Land Forces.
2.    Lieutenant Colonel Jez Miles - Commanding Officer, Armoured Centre CIS School, British Army, will discuss the various approaches to communications and information systems training for the armed forces.
3.    Mr Ian Burch - Assistant Head Open Systems, Land Equipment, DE&S, will explore strategies and architectures for land open systems.
4.    Mr Mark Emerton - Technical Authority, Mounted Combat Systems Research Project, DSTL, offers strategic guidance on developing comprehensive situational awareness for mounted close combat in urban environments.

Other event highlights at the only dedicated conference on armoured vehicle communications, situational awareness and systems integration will include:
•    Over 15 presentations with keynotes from an international panel of military experts including the British Army; UK MOD; US Army; NATO; Danish Army; Swedish Army; and Norwegian Army.
•    An industry spotlight from leading defence contractors influencing platform situational awareness including Selex, Rheinmetall Defence Electronics, General Dynamics Mission Systems and IAI Elta
•    Strategic guidance on adapting to concealed threats; working with partners in coalition operations; and protection during cyber and electronic warfare attacks.
•    An update on the latest developments in vetronics architecture.
•    An outlook into future plans with programmes such as Morpheus UK; AJAX UK; and Stryker USA.
•    Best practices on scout surveillance; working with dismounted infantry; optimising system integration; and mounted close combat in urban operations.
•    Topical panel debates on operational requirements and complex environments.