AOA appoints Karen Dee as Chief Executive

Posted on 10 January, 2017 by Advance 

The Airport Operators Association (AOA) has announced that Karen Dee has been appointed as the AOA's new Chief Executive, taking over from the outgoing Chief Executive Darren Caplan.


Karen Dee.
Courtesy FTA

Karen is currently Director of Policy at the Freight Transport Association (FTA).

Chairman of the AOA, Ed Anderson said: “The AOA Board is delighted to announce that Karen Dee will be joining us as the Association’s new Chief Executive. The AOA Team and our members look forward to working with Karen as we open the next chapter of the AOA's development.

“Karen has a wealth of experience in the transport sector and she joins the AOA at an important time for the sector.  With the Government intending to set out an Aviation Strategy in the coming year, Karen will enable the AOA to set the agenda for a successful and sustainable airport and aviation sector.

“As we look forward, we also want to thank Darren Caplan for his six years of outstanding service to the AOA, during which time the AOA has flourished enabling Karen to build on strong foundations.”

Incoming Chief Executive of the AOA, Karen Dee said: “I am excited to be joining the AOA at such a significant time, when UK airports have the opportunity to capitalise on last year’s important Government capacity decision and now shape an Aviation Strategy that supports sustainable airport growth across the UK.

“2017 will also be the year the UK will start its negotiations to leave the EU. I look forward to working with colleagues from across the aviation sector to shape a future agreement with the EU that secures continued UK access to the Single Aviation Market and sees continued air services agreements with important markets like the US, enabling UK and European aviation to continue to grow.

“The AOA is a trade association with a strong heritage and I relish the opportunity to work with the AOA Team and its members to build on the AOA’s many achievements and champion the industry in the coming years.”