AJW Aviation expands AOG team

Posted on 19 September, 2016 by Advance 

AJW Aviation is enhancing its award-winning AOG service with 24/7/365 global capability.

Now the Company has taken its AOG service and developed it into a comprehensive out-of-hours service for customers.

Building such an important resource for global airlines means the application of not only a highly reliable infrastructure, but also ensuring that all processes are robust enough to withstand any load pressure. Mainly however, it is the people in the team that make the difference and AJW has embarked upon a high-level management training programme and extensive recruitment process to ensure that customers receive the correct levels of service excellence.

In October 2015, AJW commenced the industry's largest single-source supply chain solution ever with Europe's leading airline – easyJet.  Key factors have included the training, development and enhancement of the AJW resource pool and the in-depth education and practical deployment of many new recruits. All of AJW's inspection and AOG staff receive 145 training and in line with the Part 145 extension from easyJet to AJW, a successful audit by the CAA acknowledged AJW's ability to function and process in accordance with the easyJet IT & Quality framework.

“The easyJet cost-per-flight hour contract that AJW was awarded was the catalyst for rapid growth of the AJW ‘out of hours’ team” said Peter Speed, AOG Manager – AJW Aviation. “It became necessary for us to speed up the evolution of the department and formalise the reporting structure without losing the team spirit and camaraderie that are the backbone of our successful team.”

The AOG and out of hours team at AJW now comprises 62 dedicated and knowledgeable aviation professionals with multi-lingual capabilities that are highly skilled in the supply and  transportation of parts around the world. “We run a programme of shifts within the team and the pride each member takes in their important role is unshakeable” continued Speed. “As an organisation AJW’s core function is to deliver dispatch reliability to our airline customers. It’s what we do. Problems can happen with aircraft at anytime, anywhere, so it’s how fast and how well you provide the solution that really counts with operators.”