Aircraft deliveries worth £10bn to UK in 2017

Posted on 4 July, 2017 by Advance 

Deliveries of 84 Single Aisle and 34 Widebody aircraft in May represented £2.5 billion in value to UK industry, as global delivery rates continued to closely track 2016's record-setting figures. Despite strong deliveries in May, overall deliveries are down slightly on 2016 levels, running 11 aircraft lower than the first five months of last year, but Widebody classes of aircraft continue to see an upward trend in delivery rates.

A global order backlog remains of 13,312 aircraft and 23,038 engines, expected to be worth up to £210 billion to the UK economy over the next decade.

ADS Chief Executive Paul Everitt (above) said: “The aerospace sector is one of the UK’s greatest industrial success stories and is on track for another successful year.

“In June, the Paris Air Show saw orders announced that will be worth another £13 billion to the UK economy. Demand from customers continues to run at high levels but we must make sure we invest in productivity to guarantee the UK’s ability to compete in the years ahead.

“In every part of the country aerospace companies are generating employment and spreading the benefits of growth. We want to see the Government give real backing to supply chains with a renewed commitment to the UK’s world-leading Aerospace Industrial Strategy.”