Aircraft deliveries continue to soar whilst Brexit clouds horizon

Posted on 29 October, 2018 by Advance 

The third quarter of 2018 was the best on record for aircraft production, with 390 aircraft delivered, a 10% rise compared worth up to £7 billion of the UK economy.

The quarter completed a best ever first nine months for aircraft deliveries by the major manufacturers.

The period also saw an increase in orders on both wide-body and single-aisle aircraft with 244 placed as global demand remained strong. With yet more records being broken in aircraft orders and deliveries, 2018 is well on its way to another successful and record-breaking year.

The total order backlog total stands at 14,172 aircraft worth up to £217 billion to the UK as orders are fulfilled. To maximise the value to the UK, continuing investment in productivity and competitiveness will be required throughout the supply chain.

ADS Chief Executive Paul Everitt said: “The high quality of UK aerospace manufacturing is what makes our industry so successful and internationally competitive.

“As Brexit uncertainties cloud the horizon for 2019 and beyond, it is important the Government takes all necessary steps to secure a good deal that will support continued manufacturing and export success.

 “The impact on the smaller supply chain companies that are the lifeblood of our economy could be substantial if a Withdrawal Agreement is not reached to give businesses certainty and a smooth transition.

“We hope the Chancellor will take steps in the Budget today to offer these companies protection from pressures on cashflow or disruption in trade and banking services.”