Airbus hits 2021 commercial aircraft delivery target

Posted on 11 January, 2022 by Advance 

Airbus SE delivered 611 commercial aircraft to 88 customers in 2021, as well as making progress on ramp-up plans.

Copyright Airbus

“Our commercial aircraft achievements in 2021 reflect the focus and resilience of our Airbus teams, customers, suppliers and stakeholders across the globe who pulled together to deliver remarkable results.

"The year saw significant orders from airlines worldwide, signaling confidence in the sustainable growth of air travel post-COVID” said Guillaume Faury, Airbus Chief Executive Officer. “While uncertainties remain, we are on track to lift production through 2022 to meet our customers’ requirements. At the same time we are preparing the future of aviation, transforming our industrial capabilities and implementing the roadmap for decarbonisation.”   

In 2021, deliveries comprised:

Approximately 25% of commercial aircraft in 2021 were delivered using the established “e-delivery” process, allowing customers to receive their aircraft with minimal need for their teams to travel.  
In 2021, Airbus doubled its gross order intake compared to 2020 with 771 new sales (507 net) across all programmes and market segments demonstrating the strength of the company’s full product range and signaling renewed market confidence.
The A220 won 64 firm gross new orders and several high profile commitments from some of the world’s leading carriers. The A320neo Family won 661 gross new orders. In the widebody segment, Airbus won 46 gross new orders including 30 A330s and 16 A350s of which 11 were for the newly launched A350F which also won an additional 11 commitments.  
In number of aircraft units, Airbus recorded a gross book to bill ratio above one.
At the end of 2021, Airbus’ backlog stood at 7,082 aircraft.