Aerospace and defence professionals say project planning essential

Posted on 21 February, 2020 by Advance 

Good planning is the most important factor for preventing aerospace and defence projects from going over budget, according to new research by the Association for Project Management (APM).
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A survey conducted for APM by research company Censuswide asked project professionals whose primary project is on or under budget to specify the factors that have contributed to this. Good project planning was cited most frequently by respondents in the aerospace and defence sector, with 50% of survey respondents saying this had helped them to stick to their budget.

In addition, 52% of respondents whose main project is on or ahead of schedule said good planning was a contributing factor for this too.

Among project professionals whose main project is over budget, the most commonly cited contributing factor was unclear goals and objectives. Those whose primary project is over schedule most frequently cited external factors beyond the project manager’s control as a contributor.

Debbie Dore, APM’s chief executive, said: “Regardless of a project’s size or scope, a robust process for planning and review is essential.

“As the chartered body for the project profession, we are committed to supporting learning and development for project professionals in the aerospace and defence sector, so that they are able to plan and review effectively to ensure that the economic and societal benefits of their work can be realised.

“APM’s innovative knowledge and research programme helps advance the art, science and practice of project management. We offer project professionals a diverse range of insights and resources to facilitate discussion, inspire improvement and assist application.”