AEB and University DHBW study business apps' role in trade and logistics

Posted on 17 November, 2016 by Advance 

A new study by software provider AEB and the University DHBW in Stuttgart (Germany) has been released which reveals the role of business apps in global trade, logistics, and supply chain management.

The Global Trade Management Agenda 2017, a study conducted by AEB in cooperation with University DHBW in Stuttgart, Germany, features responses from 330 experts in the fields of logistics, global trade, and supply chain management.

The result: Nine out of 10 participants consider business apps as a critical, competitive factor in global trade and logistics. Most (86.7%) agreed that the importance of business apps will continue to grow in these areas. Prof. Dr Dirk H. Hartel, Head of the Department of Business Administration Service / Logistics Management at DHBW Stuttgart, said: “The results show that the topic is highly relevant and that we are only at the beginning of a dynamic development."

“The respondents agreed on this even though business apps are not yet being used in many companies."

Logistics is leading the way in spite of low overall usage Only 17.6% of respondents are already using apps in supply chain management, logistics, or global trade, while another 21.1% are planning to introduce them. Together with the areas of administration, sales and marketing, logistics plays a pioneering role when it comes to using apps, while their use in management accounting (4.7%) and procurement (10.2%) is lagging behind.

Survey participants use apps for the research and provision of technical information in logistics (28.4%). Furthermore, they are relatively widespread in transport management, with more than a quarter of respondents using them in transport control (26.1%) and about one-fifth in fleet management (20.5%) as well as container management (20.4%). Use of apps is much rarer in other logistics areas, such as order management, personnel planning, or loading. However, roughly another third of respondents in all application areas are planning to use apps in these areas in future.

The study is available free of charge at: