ADS welcomes new National Shipbuilding Strategy

Posted on 6 September, 2017 by Advance 

Responding to publication of the National Shipbuilding Strategy setting out plans for the first batch of Type 31e frigates, UK trade body ADS has welcomed the Government's commitment to a long-term programme of naval shipbuilding. The trade organisation for UK defence companies also welcomed the strategy’s recognition of the wider domestic economic and industrial benefits from defence procurement, and the export opportunities offered by greater coordination between Government and industry.

The National Shipbuilding Strategy was unveiled by Defence Secretary Sir Michael Fallon and follows the publication in November 2016 of Sir John Parker’s independent report into British naval shipbuilding.

ADS Chief Executive Paul Everitt (right) said: “In the UK we have a global reputation for excellence in naval shipbuilding, an industry that provides jobs, skills and growth across the country.

“The commitment to a long-term programme of naval shipbuilding offers an unprecedented opportunity to support UK shipyards and the high value design, advanced systems and support services that modern warships depend upon.

“In taking forward this important programme the Government must make sure there is a systematic approach to pre-competitive engagement – maximising the opportunities for UK based suppliers and providing appropriate support to encourage world class productivity and innovation.”