ADS TASIG visits Royal Navy's Warfare Training Facility

Posted on 24 February, 2016 by Advance 


Student under Instruction in MCTS.
Copyright BAE Systems

A packed day included the six-monthly TASIG members meeting, a comprehensive tour of the unique and world-leading MCTS facility (which was running at capacity delivering warfare training to trainees from Able Rate to Commander), a tour of other operator and maintainer training and simulation facilities within HMS Collingwood, and presentations from RN representatives of Fleet Headquarters, DE&S and MoD Main Building.


Crew from HMS Diamond Training in MCTS.
Copyright BAE Systems

The events of the day sparked many discussions between the TASIG members, their hosts and the presenters, some of which started over the buffet lunch and were still going on as the day was brought to a close.  The ability to have open and candid conversations with those who make and implement training strategy and policy for the RN was deemed to be of particular value.

Feedback from those who attended indicates that the format and content of the day were exactly what contributes to making membership of the TASIG worthwhile.  The Executive Committee are already working on the next visit.