ADS backs Vulcan to the Sky Trust's Green Technology Hub

Posted on 11 November, 2021 by Advance 

ADS has got behind the Green Technology Hub plans of the Vulcan to the Sky Trust (VTST), as the charity's appeal now has less than eight weeks to secure funds for a dedicated new facility to house its Avro Vulcan XH558.


Avro Vulcan XH558 at Doncaster Sheffield Airport.
Courtesy Vulcan to the Sky Trust
(VTST) / photo credit Shaun Flannery

The Vulcan to the Sky Trust (VTST) charity has until the end of the year to hit its fundraising target of £2.2 million needed to secure a mortgage and build a new home for Avro Vulcan XH558 at Doncaster Sheffield Airport (DSA).

The Chief Executive of ADS, Kevin Craven, has come out in support of the charity’s Green Technology Hub which will be central to The Vulcan Experience.

The charity has until 31st December 2021 to raise the monies needed to take the legacy of the charity’s founder and former CEO, Dr Robert Pleming, who died in February this year, a step closer to reality and secure the future of one of the last icons of British aviation history.

Michael Trotter, business development director, at The Vulcan to the Sky Trust (VTST) said: “It is great to have the backing of ADS as we strive to meet our deadline for fundraising. We have made some great progress on the plans for The Vulcan Experience to deliver a fitting legacy for Robert, our figurehead from the project’s inception.

“The charity has always had two guiding principles, to honour those who served us in the past and to inspire future generations to make meaningful change in the world. The Vulcan Experience will embody those guiding principles in a memorable and unique centre.

“We now have an Agreement for Lease, which will become a full legal lease for the hangar once the funding is in place and this is supported by an operations agreement that will allow access to the airfield for tours, including our popular engine ground runs.

“We have worked collaboratively with DSA since 2012 and specifically on the new hangar plan since 2017. We all want to see XH558 under cover in a dedicated hangar bringing visitors to the area and inspiring future generations. We now have just weeks to raise the money needed for this rescue mission to secure the future of this important national heritage asset.

“XH558 has been without cover for several years due to a lack of funding. In support of the project DSA acquired land to facilitate the new hangar three and a half years ago with a reasonable expectation that funding for a purpose-built hangar would follow soon thereafter. DSA has waited patiently for us to raise the money needed and provided a home for XH588 free of charge for over three years. VTST has now taken the decision that it must either secure the funds to build the facility or relinquish its option on the land.

“This is a huge ask. We need to raise the funding in weeks to enable us to build the hangar and to get XH558 undercover. We are calling on people from across the country with an interest in heritage, aviation and the Climate Challenge to get behind this project and help us to create a venue that will inspire generations for decades to come and through our Green Technology Hub investigate solutions to greener travel.”

The Green Technology Hub (GTH) will be at the heart of the new Vulcan Experience, giving young people an insight into how scientists and engineers are tackling the climate change challenge and inspiring young people to pursue careers in science, engineering, technology and maths (STEM) roles.

The GTH will be an opportunity for young people to see what can be done to protect the environment for the future. A key focus will be on the evolution of greener aircraft design and the materials that make them, looking at future technical solutions to the climate change issues generated by aviation.

Visitors will be encouraged to contribute to solving the climate challenge by following careers in aviation, engineering, and technology. They will leave knowing that the route to these careers is through choosing the right science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) subjects at GCSE.

Kevin Craven, CEO of ADS, expresses their support for the Vulcan Experience, he said: "ADS is pleased to support the Vulcan to the Sky Trust's new Green Technology Hub which showcases the bold and ambitious commitment the UK Aerospace and Aviation sector has made in becoming net zero by 2050.

“The Green Technology Hub will not only showcase UK technology and innovation that is important in tackling climate change but it will be a fantastic place to inspire the next-generation of aerospace, defence and space engineers and future leaders on whom the future success of our world-leading sectors depend. The Vulcan of the Sky Trust is a great celebration of the past whilst looking ahead of the challenges of the future."

This will be a first phase of the project and will secure a permanent home for XH558, an asset of national importance.

Michael Trotter added: “We thank Kevin and ADS for their support and we’d like to invite ADS Members to consider offering their support by joining our Vulcan 558 Executive Alliance – a membership group open to businesses from across the UK.

“Any company that joins the Executive Alliance will, in return for sponsorship, receive a package of benefits including having their name displayed on a dedicated members’ wall in the new hangar –
. It would be great to see lots more businesses show their support in this way.”

Individuals can also support the campaign by adding a name to the aircraft and contributing to the Trust’s work to build the new hangar creating a brighter future for heritage aircraft preservation, restoration and operation.

Names will be added permanently under the delta-wing of Vulcan XH558, on the bomb bay doors and undercarriage doors for a donation of £50 and on other designated areas for a donation of £30. Each dedication comes with a personalised certificate that acts as a commemorative receipt for the requested donation.

Each donation will also be treated as a contribution to Operation Safeguard and, as such, donors will also see their names feature on exhibits in the new hangar as well as membership of the Vulcan Guardians scheme.

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