ACS unveils suite of single-aisle solutions

Posted on 12 March, 2021 by Advance 

AVIC Cabin Systems (ACS) today introduces a collection of innovative products designed specifically to support the increasing demand in the single-aisle market.

Image courtesy ACS

Each of its offerings focuses on enhancing the flight experience and enriching the single-aisle environment and experience, bringing enhanced comfort and enjoyment for passengers and increased revenue for airlines.

The four innovations are the VantageSOLO seat from Thompson Aero Seating, LAV4ALL from FACC, the JT32XE seat from Jiatai, and galley concept from AIM Altitude. These products have been under development at ACS for some time as part of its long-term product development strategy and vision of the future for commercial aviation.

Andy Morris, VP Commercial at AVIC Cabin Systems, said: “The possibilities for single-aisle aircraft are rapidly growing, with longer-range flights being regularly introduced. Whilst the distances are possible, it is vital that airlines also make the journeys comfortable and pleasurable. ACS is working to introduce bespoke products that will align the single-aisle long-range passenger experience with twin-aisle. Our innovations include a fully horizontal flat-bed with direct aisle access from only a 33” seat pitch; and a lavatory, fully accessible to all, that is designed to fit comfortably and efficiently within a single-aisle aircraft. We are also looking at introducing a new economy seat targeted for the Chinese market that is leading the recovery of global aviation; and our new ground-breaking galley concept enables a full onboard catering service, including two meal services, within the same footprint as current galley designs. Every one of these exciting products will truly enhance the single-aisle aircraft experience.”

The new VantageSOLO by Thompson Aero Seating has been developed and designed specifically in response to the rapidly emerging medium- to long-range market now being serviced by single-aisle aircraft. From only a 33” seat pitch, the VantageSOLO offers a fully horizontal flat-bed with direct aisle access for every seat. This can be configured with either an open aisle end, a fixed privacy screen, or a full-function suite door, offering an exclusive business-class seating experience normally only the preserve of a wide-body cabin.

JetBlue, the launch customer for VantageSOLO, has recently been revealed. The Mint 2.0 suite features a fully bespoke version of the VantageSOLO, with all seats having suite doors – a first for a Business Class cabin on an A321.

FACC’s LAV4ALL is a completely barrier-free lavatory for passengers with reduced mobility. With the same external dimensions of a standard A320 lavatory, the tapered geometry offers passengers significantly more space. The arrangement has been devised so that people who use wheelchairs can use the LAV4ALL without any assistance for lifting. A carer can be accommodated, the available space being much larger than in conventional aircraft lavatories.
The LAV4ALL is equipped with many additional features, such as colour-highlighted supports and handles, optimisation of the sink mechanism, surfaces, lighting, etc. Even the mirror is adjustable, offering reduced-mobility passengers the same facilities as able passengers. The LAV4ALL is designed to support passengers with other additional needs, such as hearing-impairment, or parents requiring baby-changing facilities.

Economy-class seat

Jiatai is developing a new economy-class seat, the JT32XE, designed specifically for extended-range single aisle platforms. For business class Jiatai will also be introducing the JT220B seat.

Galley innovation

AIM Altitude’s offering for a new single-aisle galley concept will be launched later this year. The ground-breaking design will offer a reduced footprint, enabling greater cabin density or, alternatively for longer range flights, more space for additional hot meals and snacks within the current galley footprint. Further details will be revealed shortly.

Andy Morris continues: “It is very exciting that four brands under AVIC Cabin Systems are able to come together in this way to make a complete offering for airlines. We are very much looking forward to more collaborations like this, which will benefit airlines in terms of innovation, differentiation, and profit margins.”