Absoft and Ábaco form SAP partnership

Posted on 20 March, 2017 by Advance 

UK SAP consultancy Absoft brings over 25 years' of SAP project delivery to the partnership, whilst Portuguese consultancy Ábaco has a track record of SAP S/4HANA implementations throughout Europe and Latin America.

Based on advanced in-memory database technology, SAP S/4HANA is widely recognised as the next generation of ERP software technology, providing real-time analytics and business insight to enable improved business processes and informed decision-making.  

Working together, Absoft and Ábaco will offer UK companies an unrivalled SAP S/4HANA implementation capability, under a partnership called AB2 (AB squared).

The new partnership brings together the power of two established SAP consultancies. AB2 will provide the combined expertise of over 250 experienced SAP consultants and a track record of project delivery and implementations in almost 50 countries worldwide.

While both SAP consultancies will continue to serve their existing markets as before, the newly created AB2 partnership will focus solely on assisting UK companies to implement and run SAP S/4HANA.

Don Valentine, Commercial Director at Absoft said: “Major SAP updates happen once in a decade and this upgrade to SAP S/4HANA marks a step-change for ERP systems. This latest evolution of SAP is based on a digital core instance which covers the key business functions of the large majority of companies and can be deployed on-premise or in the cloud. It also offers an intuitive user-interface and is pre-configured to work in the digital world of the Internet of Things (IoT) - supporting organisations in developing and realising exciting new business models.” 

“UK companies are perhaps more conservative in choosing to implement newer technologies - a premise borne out of the fact that there has been limited uptake of SAP S/4HANA since its release two years ago. It is interesting to compare that UK experience to what is happening elsewhere in Europe and in Latin America, where SAP S/4HANA adoption rates have been much higher and customers are already reaping the benefits from migrating to this next generation solution. "

The objective behind the AB2 partnership is to combine Absoft’s 25 year track record of UK delivery and Ábaco’s demonstrable international success in SAP S/4HANA implementations to convince the UK market that SAP S/4HANA is the right ERP software they need to take them forwards into the digital world.

Fernando Lopes, CEO at Ábaco UK said: “Besides our strong SAP S/4 HANA footprint in Latin America and Europe, including one project here in the UK, we focus our business in specific sectors, especially manufacturing, retail, construction, automotive and foods and drink. We firmly believe that SAP projects are not about technology, they are about business processes. With our extensive experience in these sectors, we can offer not only a new SAP version but also a new set of improved processes and optimised approaches with our pre-configured solutions and business accelerators.”