
ADS has again written to the European Commission to make a second request for technical discussions to take place between the Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) and European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) to prepare for Brexit.

We first made this request in June in a joint letter with GAMA, receiving a reply from the European Commission on 26 July that rejected our request. It is understood that the UK Government has also made requests for these technical discussions to take place, but that the European Commission has so far blocked this preparatory step.

Technical discussions between the CAA and EASA are needed to make sure there is adequate preparation that will avert significant disruption to European and global aerospace and aviation once the UK leaves the EU. This preparation is needed for either potential scenario – that a withdrawal agreement is ratified for the UK’s exit from the EU, or that no deal is agreed before withdrawal.

The Commission stated on 19 July that “preparing for the UK becoming a third country is of paramount importance” and that all parties must step up preparations. On 29 June the European Council renewed its call for EU member states, EU institutions and all stakeholders to step up their work on preparedness at all levels and for all outcomes. The Commission’s rejection of technical discussions between the CAA and EASA is inconsistent with these calls for preparedness.

Below is our second letter to the Commission, sent on 7 September, and the reply we received from the Commission on 26 July.

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