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May 30, 2014

Countdown to Farnborough: 1962 & Exhibition Records

Countdown to Farnborough: 1962 & Exhibition Records

For this week’s blog post counting down to the 2014 Farnborough Airshow, we take a look at the 1962 show – which […]

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May 28, 2014

Summers echoes Piketty: Robots are not stealing jobs

Summers echoes Piketty: Robots are not stealing jobs

The FT has reported that, speaking at the Inclusive Capitalism Conference yesterday, Larry Summers, former US Treasury Secretary and Chair of Obama’s […]

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May 23, 2014

Countdown to Farnborough: 1959 & ‘Vertical’ Innovation

Countdown to Farnborough: 1959 & ‘Vertical’ Innovation

For this week’s blog post counting down to the 2014 Farnborough Airshow, we take look at the 1959 show – which focused […]

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May 21, 2014

Guidelines for SME’s on ‘REACH Authorisation’ Published

Guidelines for SME’s on ‘REACH Authorisation’ Published

The UK Chemical Stakeholder Forum (UKCSF), a joint industry-government body set up to advise officials on managing environmental risk, has published helpful […]

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May 20, 2014

ADS input to Cyber Essentials Scheme

ADS input to Cyber Essentials Scheme

I have blogged before about the government’s new Cyber Essentials Scheme. On 12 May 2014, ADS hosted a roundtable to provide input […]

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May 20, 2014

What could a Modi Government mean for UK business?

What could a Modi Government mean for UK business?

Since his overwhelming election on 16th May, there has been a lot of focus on what a Nahendra Modi Government could mean […]

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May 19, 2014

Housing Bubble Trouble?

Housing Bubble Trouble?

A central theme of the blog is that we need a sustainable recovery, built on investment and exports, not another housing bubble […]

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May 14, 2014

ICAO to Develop Recommendations on Future Aircraft Tracking

ICAO to Develop Recommendations on Future Aircraft Tracking

After a special two-day conference this week, the international aviation community has agreed to begin working on new recommendations which will seek […]

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May 14, 2014

Countdown to Farnborough: 1955 & the Vulcan Barrel-Roll

Countdown to Farnborough: 1955 & the Vulcan Barrel-Roll

With today seeing the official media launch of the 2014 Farnborough International Airshow, ADS will provide our own weekly countdown to the […]

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May 9, 2014

Electric Dreams: Increasing the Focus on Hybrid/ Electric Passenger Aircraft

Electric Dreams: Increasing the Focus on Hybrid/ Electric Passenger Aircraft

An interesting article in Aviation Week this week discusses the future prospects of Electric/ hybrid powered aircraft – with Airbus outlining its […]

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May 7, 2014

“It’s the economy, stupid” – Labour party edition

“It’s the economy, stupid” – Labour party edition

th exactly one year to go until the next General Election, political parties are sharpening their messaging and, not surprisingly the focus […]

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May 7, 2014

“It’s the economy, stupid” – Conservative party edition

“It’s the economy, stupid” – Conservative party edition

With exactly one year to go until the next General Election, political parties are sharpening their messaging and, not surprisingly the focus […]

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May 2, 2014

Serious and Organised Crime – National Strategic Assessment

Serious and Organised Crime – National Strategic Assessment

On 1 May, the National Crime Agency published a national assessment of the impact of and the threat to the UK from […]

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May 2, 2014

Home Office call – explosives precursors

Home Office call – explosives precursors

The Home Office is leading a public research call seeking to identify additives to or substitutions for explosives precursors and poisons to […]

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May 2, 2014

Sterling strength – Understanding the impacts

Sterling strength – Understanding the impacts

It’s the question I always get from members, but I absolutely hate forecasting exchange rates. It’s a mugs game and I’m terrible […]

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