June 14, 2017

UK Aerospace Outlook Report 2017

UK Aerospace Outlook Report 2017

The UK’s aerospace industry is making a major contribution to continued growth and prosperity in every part of the country, setting an […]

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June 14, 2017

#ADSfacts: Aerospace In-Depth

#ADSfacts: Aerospace In-Depth

On Monday, we released our annual ADS Facts and Figures document, giving an overview and summary of the four sectors ADS represents. […]

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June 13, 2017

#ADSFacts: Space In-Depth

#ADSFacts: Space In-Depth

Yesterday we released our annual ADS Facts and Figures guide which gives an overview of the four sectors ADS represents as well […]

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June 12, 2017

Launch of ADS Facts and Figures 2017 #ADSfacts

Launch of ADS Facts and Figures 2017 #ADSfacts

Today ADS has launched our 2017 Facts and Figures guide illustrating the scale of our industries’ contribution to the UK economy; showing […]

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June 12, 2017

Facts & Figures 2017

Facts & Figures 2017

The UK’s Aerospace, Defence, Security and Space industries make a significant and valuable contribution to economic prosperity and national security. The ADS […]

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June 7, 2017

Launch of the European Defence Fund

Launch of the European Defence Fund

Today the European Commission launched its proposals for a European Defence Fund, together with a reflection paper setting out possible scenarios for the […]

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June 2, 2017

What does ‘No deal’ mean for post-Brexit trade?

What does ‘No deal’ mean for post-Brexit trade?

During the election campaign, we’ve heard many politicians and commentators suggest that leaving the EU without any deal on our future trading […]

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May 31, 2017

SNP Manifesto Summary #GE2017

SNP Manifesto Summary #GE2017

Yesterday the Scottish National Party published their manifesto for the 2017 election having delayed its launch following a suspension in campaigning last week. This […]

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May 25, 2017

FIA Guest Blog: 5 tips for first time exhibitors at an airshow

FIA Guest Blog: 5 tips for first time exhibitors at an airshow

If you are taking the plunge and exhibiting at an airshow for the first time, you have made a considerable investment and […]

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May 24, 2017

#UKROC National Finals 2017

#UKROC National Finals 2017

This week, Stowe Maries Aerodrome in Essex hosted the UK Youth Rocketry Challenge national final. Organised by ADS and sponsored by Lockheed […]

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May 22, 2017

European Commission is ready to negotiate on Brexit, commits to full transparency

European Commission is ready to negotiate on Brexit, commits to full transparency

It’s news that is likely to get lost in the cut and thrust of today’s General Election campaigning, but the European Commission […]

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May 22, 2017

UK’s leading universities #GE2017 priorities include Brexit & Industrial Strategy

UK’s leading universities #GE2017 priorities include Brexit & Industrial Strategy

A couple of weeks ago, ADS launched our election priorities, focusing on the new Government could put in place the foundations for […]

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May 18, 2017

Conservative Party Manifesto Summary #GE2017

Conservative Party Manifesto Summary #GE2017

This morning saw Theresa May launch the much anticipated Conservative Manifesto ‘Forward, Together’. The manifesto sets out ‘five giant challenges’ that the country faces […]

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May 17, 2017

Liberal Democrat Party Manifesto Summary #GE2017

Liberal Democrat Party Manifesto Summary #GE2017

Continuing with manifesto week, today we see the Lib Dem’s publish their manifesto. Lib Dem leader Tim Farron uses the manifesto to […]

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May 16, 2017

Labour Manifesto Summary #GE2017

Labour Manifesto Summary #GE2017

With the election just around the corner the Labour Party have today launched their manifesto. At this election we hope all political […]

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