December 20, 2017

US launches new National Security Strategy

US launches new National Security Strategy

On Monday 18 December the Trump Administration published its new National Security Strategy (NSS), which will largely frame US foreign policy objectives during […]

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December 19, 2017

Scotland Facts & Figures 2017

Scotland Facts & Figures 2017

This is the first Facts & Figures guide for our sectors in Scotland, setting out their strength and their contribution to providing […]

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December 14, 2017

Treasury Committee backs “standstill” Brexit transition

Treasury Committee backs “standstill” Brexit transition

Today the House of Commons Treasury Committee published a new report on transitional arrangements for the UK’s exit from the European Union. […]

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December 5, 2017

Letter to David Davis and Michel Barnier

Letter to David Davis and Michel Barnier

On Thursday 30 November, ADS Chief Executive Paul Everitt wrote to David Davis, Secretary of State for Exiting the European Union, and […]

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December 1, 2017

Sky News signals Government will seek continued EASA membership

Sky News signals Government will seek continued EASA membership

Sky News Political Editor Faisal Islam today covered a potentially significant development in the Government’s post-Brexit plans for aerospace. Under the headline […]

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November 15, 2017

Security & Policing 2018 – New Features

Security & Policing 2018 – New Features

Organised by ADS on behalf of the Home Office, the next Security & Policing event will take place between 6-8 March 2018. […]

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November 6, 2017

3 Reasons to Exhibit with ADS at the Aerospace & Defense Supplier Summit Seattle

3 Reasons to Exhibit with ADS at the Aerospace & Defense Supplier Summit Seattle

The Aerospace & Defense Supplier Summit Seattle (A&DSS) is a bi-annual event, sponsored by Boeing, which brings together the worldwide supply chain […]

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Brexit transition
October 16, 2017

Building Brexit – Priorities for the UK-EU Trading Relationship

Building Brexit – Priorities for the UK-EU Trading Relationship

This ADS report sets out recommendations for a new UK-EU Trading Relationship. The below case study image depicts the differences between current […]

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October 6, 2017

#WSW2017: Meet the Oxford SME helping to transform the space sector

#WSW2017: Meet the Oxford SME helping to transform the space sector

To celebrate World Space Week, we’re promoting some of the out-of-this-world things that are happening in the UK space industry. We caught […]

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October 4, 2017

#WSW2017 – UK skyrockets in global space industry

#WSW2017 – UK skyrockets in global space industry

From Wednesday 4 October to 10 October, thousands of events are taking place across the globe putting the spotlight on World Space […]

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September 27, 2017

Opportunities in the Polish Security Market

Opportunities in the Polish Security Market

As we head to Poland this December for the next in our series of Public Security Exhibitions check out this infographic on […]

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Brexit transition
September 21, 2017

ADS Podcast: Building Brexit – Future UK-EU Customs Partnership

ADS Podcast: Building Brexit – Future UK-EU Customs Partnership

In this new edition of the ADS Podcast, Aerospace Policy Adviser Richard Gale sat down with Chief Economist and Director of Policy, […]

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September 19, 2017

Public-Private Engagement in the UK Security Sector

Public-Private Engagement in the UK Security Sector

How should government and industry work together to implement national security objectives? What mechanisms of engagement should be developed to fulfil the […]

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September 8, 2017

Launch of the 2017 Defence and Security Outlook reports

Launch of the 2017 Defence and Security Outlook reports

ADS has launched its 2017 Defence and Security Outlook Reports. Following another prosperous year, these reports illustrate the unique contribution the UK’s […]

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September 7, 2017

UK Security Outlook Report 2017

UK Security Outlook Report 2017

The UK’s security industry has never been more important, supporting our national security and making an ever greater contribution to our economy. […]

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