June 5, 2018

Public Engagement – The Future of the RAF

Public Engagement – The Future of the RAF

Last week Downing Street was graced by a machine etched into the psyche of anyone who has ever attended a British air […]

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June 5, 2018

Achieving an environmentally sustainable aerospace industry

Achieving an environmentally sustainable aerospace industry

As a large and growing industry currently  dependent on fossil fuels, aviation is clearly at the forefront of efforts to reduce and […]

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Black Hornet Nano
June 4, 2018

Maximising the potential of UAVs in defence

Maximising the potential of UAVs in defence

Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) have been used in the military for years but there is still much more capability this technology can […]

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June 1, 2018

Trump, steel and protectionism

Trump, steel and protectionism

After originally exempting the EU, Canada and Mexico from steel and aluminium import tariffs, the US removed their exemptions today. All three […]

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May 29, 2018

Will the UK launch its own Galileo?

Will the UK launch its own Galileo?

Last week saw increasingly active discussion of the UK’s future in Galileo, the EU’s global navigation satellite system. On Monday, the Defence […]

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Bloomfield School with their rocket
May 25, 2018

Having a blast: #UKRoC National Finals

Having a blast: #UKRoC National Finals

This week saw the national finals of the UK Youth Rocketry Challenge at BMFA Buckminster near Grantham. Schools from across the country […]

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Brexit transition
May 24, 2018

ADS Letter to Nicky Morgan & Hilary Benn on Customs after Brexit

ADS Letter to Nicky Morgan & Hilary Benn on Customs after Brexit

Yesterday, following evidence sessions of the Treasury Select Committee and the Exiting the European Union Committee that each covered the topic of […]

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May 21, 2018

Civil drones: the world of the future

Civil drones: the world of the future

They have been the subject of science fiction for decades, but drones are arriving on our shores in ever-increasing numbers. As the […]

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May 21, 2018

Aerospace All Party Parliamentary Group visits Cranfield University

Aerospace All Party Parliamentary Group visits Cranfield University

Last week the Aerospace All Party Parliamentary Group, chaired by Chris Matheson MP, were welcomed to the world renowned Cranfield University, by […]

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May 17, 2018

Staying in EASA, ECHA isn’t cherry picking, it stands on precedent

Staying in EASA, ECHA isn’t cherry picking, it stands on precedent

In her Mansion House speech in March, the PM said that the UK would like to stay in three European Union agencies: […]

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May 16, 2018

Future of UK security cooperation with Europe

Future of UK security cooperation with Europe

UK remains committed to Europe’s collective security On 14th May Andrew Parker, the Director General of MI5, gave his first public speech […]

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May 11, 2018

Prosperity from Space: A British Success Story

Prosperity from Space: A British Success Story

Today UK Space published a Space Growth Partnership strategy document outlining the important collaboration between Government and industry when it comes to […]

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GE logo
May 11, 2018

GE Aviation Systems: Apprenticeships

GE Aviation Systems: Apprenticeships

Apprenticeships are crucial to the future of many of the UK’s major industries and aerospace is no different. The UK sector currently […]

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Apprentices with Transport Secretary Chris Grayling
May 10, 2018

Apprentices: Engineering Our Future

Apprentices: Engineering Our Future

The annual ADS Apprenticeship Reception was held in the House of Commons last week which celebrated the important role of the 12,000 […]

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May 9, 2018

UK Space Sector – A Growing Industry #ADSFacts

UK Space Sector – A Growing Industry #ADSFacts

The past year has been another record year for the UK Space Sector. 2017/18 has seen many key milestones such as the […]

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