September 5, 2018

A Balancing Act: UK Defence Procurement post-Brexit

A Balancing Act: UK Defence Procurement post-Brexit

Could Brexit actually lead to simpler defence procurement? Far away from the political maneuvering, backstops and negotiations is the mountain of UK […]

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August 29, 2018

Brexit: Will no deal ground aircraft in March 2019?

Brexit: Will no deal ground aircraft in March 2019?

As the date of the UK’s exit from the European Union comes closer without agreement on an orderly withdrawal, more focus is […]

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August 14, 2018

Military Air Boosts UK Defence Exports

Military Air Boosts UK Defence Exports

In late July HMG published the UK’s defence and security export statistics for 2017. When looking at defence exports in isolation the […]

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August 10, 2018

FIA Recap – SMEs’ big role in aerospace

FIA Recap – SMEs’ big role in aerospace

Written by Kirsty Templeton With the Prime companies such as Airbus, BAE System and Boeing grabbing the headlines at Farnborough it is […]

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August 6, 2018

FIA18 Recap – Combat Air Strategy

FIA18 Recap – Combat Air Strategy

During Farnborough International Airshow, the Defence Secretary, Gavin Williamson launched the long-anticipated combat air strategy and used the Airshow as a platform […]

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August 1, 2018

FIA18 Recap: Women in Aviation and Aerospace

FIA18 Recap: Women in Aviation and Aerospace

Aerospace is a world-leading sector which generates well-paid jobs, high-tech exports and sustainable growth across the country; to sustain this industry we […]

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July 30, 2018

FIA18 Recap – Futures Day and the Skills Agenda

FIA18 Recap – Futures Day and the Skills Agenda

Farnborough International Airshow tends to catch the eye with its dramatic announcements about major aircraft and engine deals. However, the Airshow is […]

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July 25, 2018

FIA18 RECAP – Brexit and Beyond

FIA18 RECAP – Brexit and Beyond

One of the major themes that was prominent through Farnborough Airshow was the dreaded ‘B’ word, Brexit. However coupled with speeches made […]

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UK Spaceport Launch
July 24, 2018

FIA18 Recap – First UK Spaceport announced

FIA18 Recap – First UK Spaceport announced

As the dust settles on another Farnborough International Airshow, ADS is going to recap the series of important announcements and moments from […]

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July 12, 2018

ADS and CAA Brexit contingency planning

ADS and CAA Brexit contingency planning

At the beginning of this week, the Civil Aviation Authority updated its website to add a section on EU Exit to cover […]

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July 11, 2018

The new Home Office Biometrics Strategy

The new Home Office Biometrics Strategy

In 1902 Harry Jackson, a 41-year-old petty thief, was arrested and convicted for stealing billiard balls from a house in South London. […]

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July 10, 2018

Growing the Contribution of Defence to UK Prosperity – Headlines for UK Industry

Growing the Contribution of Defence to UK Prosperity – Headlines for UK Industry

Putting aside political resignations, Brexit negotiations, and international intrigue (who’d have thought England would get to the semis…) UK Defence has maintained […]

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July 10, 2018

RAF 100: A rich history and bright future of collaboration

RAF 100: A rich history and bright future of collaboration

“Through its enduring focus on professionalism, excellence and innovation, the Royal Air Force stands as a shining example of inspiration around the […]

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July 9, 2018

Sustainable Aviation: reducing noise pollution

Sustainable Aviation: reducing noise pollution

When we think of pollution, we probably think of Carbon Dioxide, or perhaps plastics. Yet noise is a pollutant as well – […]

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June 29, 2018

Armed Forces Day – Ask Not What Your Country Can Do For You….

Armed Forces Day – Ask Not What Your Country Can Do For You….

Armed Forces Day continues to grow in profile and scope; parades, concerts, garden parties, and even an afternoon tea in Bishop Stortford […]

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