December 6, 2018

Security & Policing event – what’s new for 2019?

Security & Policing event – what’s new for 2019?

Together with our event partner, Dods, we have been working closely with the Joint Security and Resilience Centre (JSaRC) based within the […]

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December 6, 2018

Aerospace Sector Deal Takes Off

Aerospace Sector Deal Takes Off

This morning Business Secretary Greg Clark launched a new sector deal for the UK Aerospace sector following on from the Prime Minister’s […]

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December 5, 2018

Brexit Explainer: Meaningful Vote

Brexit Explainer: Meaningful Vote

After months of negotiations, last month the UK and European Union came to an agreement on the Withdrawal Agreement and Political Declaration, […]

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December 3, 2018

UK to explore alternatives to the EU’s Galileo system

UK to explore alternatives to the EU’s Galileo system

On Friday 30th November 2018 the Prime Minister, Theresa May, announced that the UK will no longer seek access to secure aspects […]

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December 3, 2018

Strengthening cooperation between Government and the security industry

Strengthening cooperation between Government and the security industry

Speaking at the International Security Expo on Thursday 29th November, the Security Minister Ben Wallace MP said that “collaboration and cooperation between Government […]

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November 30, 2018

Preparing for Brexit: EU legislative proposals announced

Preparing for Brexit: EU legislative proposals announced

In the latest EU preparedness work, the European Commission has published a slide pack on the state of preparedness for mobility. This […]

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November 30, 2018

Sharing the impact of Brexit on our industries

Sharing the impact of Brexit on our industries

Earlier this week Paul Everitt, CEO of ADS appeared in front of the BEIS Select Committee, alongside Katherine Bennett, Airbus and Simon […]

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UKRoC in Parliament 2019
November 29, 2018

Flying start to the 2019 Rocketry Challenge

Flying start to the 2019 Rocketry Challenge

This week ADS was in Parliament with two of this year’s finalists of the UK Youth Rocketry Challenge (UKRoC) to showcase the […]

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November 28, 2018

Winging It Episode 2 – An ADS Podcast

Winging It Episode 2 – An ADS Podcast

The second episode in our podcast series that looks to analyse the key issues for our sectors, featuring a range of guests […]

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November 28, 2018

Augmented Reality for Warships

Augmented Reality for Warships

Written by Max Hardy, MBDA Secondee Life on board a warship has understandably changed dramatically since their first wooden inception several hundred […]

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November 27, 2018

Industrial Strategy: One Year On

Industrial Strategy: One Year On

One year ago today the Government launched the Industrial Strategy White Paper, aimed at building on the UK’s competitive strengths in order […]

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November 26, 2018

Brexit: Where are we now?

Brexit: Where are we now?

What’s happened? Last week the UK and European Union reached an agreement on a draft Withdrawal Agreement and Political Declaration setting out […]

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November 26, 2018

Preparing the UK’s border for Brexit

Preparing the UK’s border for Brexit

The UK and EU have just agreed the terms of the UK’s exit from the EU and attention will now turn the […]

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November 23, 2018

Women: Good for business

Women: Good for business

Earlier this week ADS attended the Women Aviation Leaders Europe Forum organised by International Aviation Women’s Association (IAWA). IAWA aims to cultivate […]

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November 22, 2018

Political Declaration: What it means for Aerospace

Political Declaration: What it means for Aerospace

Today the UK and the EU have agreed an updated version of the draft political agreement, setting out the aims both sides […]

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