June 7, 2019

SMEs get tips on doing business in defence

SMEs get tips on doing business in defence

Last month, in the latest of our meet the primes engagement events, we collaborated with DIT DSO and the West of England […]

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June 5, 2019

UK Aerospace: Responding to the Climate Change Challenge

UK Aerospace: Responding to the Climate Change Challenge

On World Environment Day, we examine the contribution of the UK aerospace industry to creating new technology that can help reduce the […]

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May 22, 2019

Winging It Podcast – Environment

Winging It Podcast – Environment

The eighth episode of our Winging It podcast is about the environment – considerations from our industry around climate change and future […]

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May 21, 2019

High Flying Apprentices Meet with Politicians in the House of Commons

High Flying Apprentices Meet with Politicians in the House of Commons

Last week, ADS hosted its annual apprenticeship reception in the House of Commons. Kindly sponsored by Collins Aerospace, the reception provides the […]

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space sector
May 17, 2019

UK Space: Embracing cutting edge technologies #ADSFacts

UK Space: Embracing cutting edge technologies #ADSFacts

2018 has been a landmark year for the UK space sector with accelerated growth in the sector, innovative satellites launched into orbit […]

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May 17, 2019

UK Security and Resilience: Contributing to a secure and prosperous UK #ADSFacts

UK Security and Resilience: Contributing to a secure and prosperous UK #ADSFacts

  At the heart of the Government’s National Security Strategy of 2015 and the National Security Capability Review of 2017 is the […]

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May 16, 2019

UK Defence: Building a Prosperous Future Through Innovation and Exports #ADSfacts

UK Defence: Building a Prosperous Future Through Innovation and Exports #ADSfacts

This week ADS launched our Facts & Figures for 2019. This annual release covers the headline numbers that demonstrate the health, vitality, […]

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May 15, 2019

UK Aerospace: A growing global market #ADSfacts

UK Aerospace: A growing global market #ADSfacts

With a total turnover of £35.9 billion, the aerospace sector has grown by 45% since 2010. This is in line with the […]

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May 14, 2019

ADS Facts and figures 2019 #ADSFacts

ADS Facts and figures 2019 #ADSFacts

The launch of the ADS Industry Facts and Figures 2019 is the opportunity to showcase the size, scale and success of our industries. […]

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May 14, 2019

Facts & Figures 2019

Facts & Figures 2019

The UK’s Aerospace, Defence, Security and Space industries make a significant and valuable contribution to economic prosperity and national security. The 2019 […]

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May 7, 2019

Members meet prime contractors to do business

Members meet prime contractors to do business

Over the last few months our business development teams have been busy growing a focused bespoke series of events to bring prime […]

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May 1, 2019

Winging It Podcast – Women in Defence

Winging It Podcast – Women in Defence

The seventh episode of our Winging It podcast is about Women in Defence. We also talk to schools from across the country […]

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April 30, 2019

Celebrating 50 Years of the UK’s Continuous at Sea Deterrent

Celebrating 50 Years of the UK’s Continuous at Sea Deterrent

2019 marks the 50th anniversary of the UK’s Continuous at Sea Deterrent (CASD). Since April 1969, there has always been a Royal […]

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April 24, 2019

Reforming the UK’s forensic science market

Reforming the UK’s forensic science market

Effective, affordable and trusted forensic science is a core pillar of the UK’s criminal justice system (CJS). Whether it is fingerprint comparison, […]

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April 12, 2019

The Prosperity Considerations of Fleet Solid Support

The Prosperity Considerations of Fleet Solid Support

The Fleet Solid Support (FSS) ships contract continues to be a point of contention for MPs, military commentators and industry alike. Since […]

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