July 5, 2019

ADS at Uber Elevate Summit in Washington DC

ADS at Uber Elevate Summit in Washington DC

ADS Head of Innovation and Engineering Sameer Savani was recently part of a DIT-led UK ‘mission’ to the Uber Elevate Summit in Washington […]

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July 4, 2019

Road Haulage Association: Action list before Brexit

Road Haulage Association: Action list before Brexit

This week the Road Haulage Association (RHA) published their latest advice to the UK Government on what they believe still needs to […]

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July 3, 2019

The Home Office in 2018-19

The Home Office in 2018-19

The Home Office is a key partner of the UK’s Security and Resilience sector, which ADS proudly represents, and both work together […]

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June 26, 2019

Winging It Podcast – Paris Airshow

Winging It Podcast – Paris Airshow

In the ninth episode of our Winging It podcast we’re at Paris Airshow talking to PowerVamp and ADS members Cadence Design Systems […]

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June 26, 2019

A whole-of-nation approach to cyber security

A whole-of-nation approach to cyber security

The recent news that Norwegian aluminium producer, Norsk Hydro, spent £45m trying to restore normal business operations after a targeted ransomware attack […]

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June 25, 2019

Trade tensions and more tariffs?

Trade tensions and more tariffs?

Trump’s tariffs US tariffs on Chinese imports that have been in place since late 2018, recently increased from 10 percent to 25 […]

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June 24, 2019

MOD appoints first female Chief Scientific Adviser

MOD appoints first female Chief Scientific Adviser

Professor Dame Angela McLean has been appointed as the Ministry of Defence’s (MOD) next Chief Scientific Adviser. Professor McLean is currently a […]

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June 24, 2019

The challenge to grow – Takeaways from Paris Air Show

The challenge to grow – Takeaways from Paris Air Show

When meeting procurement leaders from Airbus, Boeing and Collins during the Paris Air Show last week, their priorities for the future were […]

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June 20, 2019

Guest Blog: Small Business Crown Representative makes prompt payment a priority

Guest Blog: Small Business Crown Representative makes prompt payment a priority

Martin Traynor has been appointed as the government’s new Small Business Crown Representative. What can ADS members expect from his time in […]

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June 19, 2019

Five opportunities in the India Homeland Security Market

Five opportunities in the India Homeland Security Market

With growing security concerns in a digital world, India’s central and state governments are pursuing programmes and projects to upgrade Indian Homeland […]

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June 14, 2019

A spotlight on technologies in aerospace, defence and security

A spotlight on technologies in aerospace, defence and security

On Thursday ADS member Atkins held a press event in London to showcase their technologies in the aerospace, defence and security sectors. […]

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June 14, 2019

The growing need for cyber protection controls in the SME defence supply chain

The growing need for cyber protection controls in the SME defence supply chain

As prime contractors invest in increasingly effective cyber-defence strategies, attackers are using new ways to gain access to computer networks. This includes […]

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Aerospace in Parliament - Andrew Stephenson
June 13, 2019

An innovative sector: Aerospace in Parliament

An innovative sector: Aerospace in Parliament

This week ADS along with the AGP and the All Party Parliamentary Group for Aerospace hosted an Aerospace in Parliament event in […]

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June 11, 2019

UK Aerospace Outlook 2019

UK Aerospace Outlook 2019

The UK’s aerospace industry continues to make a major contribution to growth and prosperity in every part of the country. Growing productivity […]

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June 10, 2019

UK Export Finance – SME finance package launched

UK Export Finance – SME finance package launched

The second annual Trade and Export Finance Forum took place last week which also marked 100 years of UK Export Finance (UKEF). […]

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