September 27, 2021

National Space Strategy released

National Space Strategy released

The Government has published its long-awaited National Space Strategy (NSS). It was launched today by George Freeman MP during the Opening Plenary […]

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September 27, 2021

An Exploration of Space at DSEI

An Exploration of Space at DSEI

DSEI took place at the start of September in London and after more than 18 months of virtual defence, security and space […]

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September 23, 2021

Department of International Trade publish a Global Trade Outlook

Department of International Trade publish a Global Trade Outlook

Last week, the Department of International Trade published a new Global Trade Outlook which aims to look at long-terms trends of global […]

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September 20, 2021

Women in Defence Charter Unveils New Strategy

Women in Defence Charter Unveils New Strategy

At DSEI last week, the Women in Defence Charter unveiled its new strategy. It sets the ambition of achieving a minimum of […]

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September 20, 2021

Simplified Travel System from October

Simplified Travel System from October

This post was written by Chiedza Lunga, Industry Secondee to ADS. Last Friday, 17 September, Grant Shapps MP, the Secretary of State […]

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Brexit transition
September 16, 2021

Full Import Controls on EU to UK goods once again delayed

Full Import Controls on EU to UK goods once again delayed

Some businesses this week will welcome the news that the UK Government have refreshed the timetable for the implementing full customs controls […]

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September 14, 2021

Ping-demic stalls expected July growth  

Ping-demic stalls expected July growth  

With Freedom Day (in England) on July 19 2021, many anticipated that the July growth figures would be significant especially given the general excitement in July of summer […]

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September 13, 2021

The Defence and Security Industrial Strategy – Six months on

The Defence and Security Industrial Strategy – Six months on

Today, as the focus of the UK Defence and Security community turns to the biennial DSEI exhibition in London, ADS publishes our […]

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September 13, 2021

UK defence and security: Delivering national security, prosperity and innovation

UK defence and security: Delivering national security, prosperity and innovation

The UK defence and security sectors make a major contribution to UK national security and prosperity through highly skilled jobs, world-leading innovation […]

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September 10, 2021

Industry set to meet again at DSEI 2021: Event preview

Industry set to meet again at DSEI 2021: Event preview

In just a matter of days the defence, space, and security sectors will come together once again at Defence and Security Equipment […]

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September 10, 2021

ADS to host CTO forum at pre-COP26 sustainability in aerospace event

ADS to host CTO forum at pre-COP26 sustainability in aerospace event

On October 26, ADS will be hosting a sustainability in aerospace event at the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, in the lead up […]

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September 8, 2021

Facts and Figures 2021 – extended version launched

Facts and Figures 2021 – extended version launched

In advance of DSEI next week, today we are launching an extended version of the ADS Facts and Figures report for 2021. […]

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August 26, 2021

Maximise your ADS membership

Maximise your ADS membership

As a member of ADS you have a wide range of exclusive resources, events, insights, opportunities and benefits at your finger tips. […]

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August 26, 2021

The modern-day space race

The modern-day space race

Background The 20th Century space race was the first step to accessing space and successfully launching artificial satellites into orbit. Since then, […]

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August 18, 2021

Building a vibrant hydrogen industry in the UK

Building a vibrant hydrogen industry in the UK

Hydrogen is an important element to decarbonising aviation and reaching net zero by 2050. To that end, the UK Government this week […]

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