Join us for a webinar exploring UK Ministry of Defence Secure By Design (SbD), specifically from the perspective of Small to Medium Enterprises (SMEs). 

The SbD approach is an initiative by the Ministry of Defence (MOD) to enhance cyber security within its capability programmes. This approach shifts from traditional accreditation-based compliance to a continuous risk management process, ensuring that security is integrated from the outset of any project. This initiative aims to deliver more secure systems through simplified processes, greater use of open standards, and empowered decision-making. 

SbD has been in place for over a year now and still raises plenty of questions, we hope this webinar, with speakers from the MOD and SecureCloud+, will help to demystify some of these questions. 

Whilst the target audience for this webinar is SMEs in the defence supply chain, all are welcome to join. 


  • 09:30 - Webinar Housekeeping – Karen Hayhoe (Event Manager, ADS)
  • 09:35 - Welcome and introductions – Alistair Leuchars (Head of Cyber & Digital Engagement - Security and Resilience, ADS)
  • 09:40 - Keynote – Christine Maxwell (Director of Cyber Defence, MOD)
  • 10:00 - SbD for SMEs – Mark Brown (UK MOD)
  • 10:15 - SME Perspective – James Fickling (CISO at SecureCloud+)
  • 10:35 - Cyber Essentials - Neil Furminger (IAMSE)
  • 10:45 - Q&A
  • 11:00 - Webinar close

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Karen Hayhoe

Event Manager

Tel: +44(0)207 091 1123
Karen Hayhoe
