Facing a skills challenge?  The Herald reported, “Scotland’s Economy ‘At Risk’ From Skills Shortages”.

If you don’t want your organisation to be a casualty in the battle for talent, there are simple steps that you can take – now.

Join this event and make sure you are not overlooking people who could transform your business.

The security, defence, aerospace and space sectors in Scotland are currently facing a significant challenge due to a shortage of skilled workforce. This issue is part of a broader trend affecting these industries globally, with many companies competing for the same group of qualified individuals. Addressing the skilled workforce shortage is essential for the continued growth and success of these sectors.

A number of ways have been identified that could help in tackling the skills shortage. This half day, interactive event will focus on a few of these possibilities and explore practical steps you can take to ensure your business continues to attract and retain top talent.


  • 09:00 - Registration and networking
  • 09:30 - Welcome and introductions
  • 09:35 - Source one: Immigration - Fragomen
  • 10:15 - Talent Beyond Boundaries
  • 10:45 - Source two: Ex service people - CTP Scotland
  • 11:15 - Source three: Female STEM returners - Equate Scotland
  • 11:45 - Source four: Long term unemployed
  • 12:15 - Wrap up
  • 12:20 - Event close

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Katie Whyte

Event Manager

Tel: 01313438932
Katie Whyte
