November 12, 2018

Growing business with Aerospace Primes – three steps for success

Growing business with Aerospace Primes – three steps for success

As I travel around and meet companies, two questions I often get asked are: “How do I get more business?” and “What […]

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November 5, 2018

Boeing strengthens commitment to UK supply chain

Boeing strengthens commitment to UK supply chain

When Boeing announced the launch of the Office of UK Industrial Capability at a UK Supplier Showcase held last month in St Louis, […]

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Boeing Supplier Showcase Val Bring
October 30, 2018

ADS Members form strategic alliance at Boeing’s USA event

ADS Members form strategic alliance at Boeing’s USA event

Earlier this month a delegation of 36 ADS Members met with Boeing Defence, Space & Security (BDS), Global Research and Technology and […]

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October 9, 2018

Prioritise cash-flow and productivity in October Budget

Prioritise cash-flow and productivity in October Budget

There are less than three weeks until Chancellor of the Exchequer Philip Hammond delivers his 2018 Budget on 29th October, with industry […]

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October 3, 2018

Latest on No Deal planning by EASA

Latest on No Deal planning by EASA

EASA notification for UK organisations to apply for certain Third Country approvals On 2nd October, EASA issued a notice to say they […]

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August 29, 2018

Brexit: Will no deal ground aircraft in March 2019?

Brexit: Will no deal ground aircraft in March 2019?

As the date of the UK’s exit from the European Union comes closer without agreement on an orderly withdrawal, more focus is […]

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July 12, 2018

ADS and CAA Brexit contingency planning

ADS and CAA Brexit contingency planning

At the beginning of this week, the Civil Aviation Authority updated its website to add a section on EU Exit to cover […]

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April 20, 2018

MPs debate merits of Industrial Strategy

MPs debate merits of Industrial Strategy

On Wednesday 18 April the Government held a general debate on the Industrial Strategy in the House of Commons. Business Secretary Greg […]

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March 8, 2018

Inaugural Speech by ADS Vice-President for Security, Elizabeth Sheldon

Inaugural Speech by ADS Vice-President for Security, Elizabeth Sheldon

Elizabeth Sheldon gave her first speech since her appointment as ADS Vice President for the security sector today, at Security & Policing […]

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March 2, 2018

Post-Brexit Regulatory Relationship: EASA and REACH

Post-Brexit Regulatory Relationship: EASA and REACH

Despite Brexit, European regulation will remain crucial for the aerospace industry. EASA and REACH in particular are both critical for businesses, and […]

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February 23, 2018

Improving cooperation in the Franco-British aerospace supply chain

Improving cooperation in the Franco-British aerospace supply chain

On Friday 9th February, industry, government and trade associations across the UK and France assembled to discuss the aerospace supply chain in […]

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Brexit transition
February 6, 2018

Why the UK should be open to a customs union post-Brexit

Why the UK should be open to a customs union post-Brexit

When leaving the EU, the UK leaves the EU Customs Union. This, however, should not close off the possibility of negotiating a […]

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January 31, 2018

SC21 Case Study – Denroy

SC21 Case Study – Denroy

This week ADS and Invest NI held our latest Achieving Supply Chain Excellence event at the Titanic Centre in Belfast, with more […]

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January 21, 2018

Staying in a customs union is best for Britain, business

Staying in a customs union is best for Britain, business

Ahead of a major speech by their DG Carolyn Fairbairn, the CBI have called for the UK remain in a customs union […]

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January 16, 2018

Preparing for Brexit

Preparing for Brexit

As the UK and EU27 continue to negotiate our long-term relationship, businesses of all sizes can ask some basic questions now in […]

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