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April 15, 2014

The challenge of police procurement – what is ADS doing about it?

The challenge of police procurement – what is ADS doing about it?

Police procurement has always posed challenges for the security sector. The most obvious challenge is that the customer base is very fragmented, […]

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April 8, 2014

Improving your cyber security – the government’s ‘Cyber Essentials’ scheme

Improving your cyber security – the government’s ‘Cyber Essentials’ scheme

This week, the government launched a ‘Cyber Essentials’ scheme. As previously noted, this scheme is the next stage on from the ’10 Steps to […]

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April 2, 2014

New Government Security Classification Scheme goes live

New Government Security Classification Scheme goes live

Today, the new Government Security Classification Scheme (GSC) goes live.  As a result, the whole of government will be changing the way […]

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March 31, 2014

ADS input to the new UK National Computer Emergency Response Team (CERT-UK)

ADS input to the new UK National Computer Emergency Response Team (CERT-UK)

Later this morning, the government will launch the Computer Emergency Response Team – UK (CERT-UK). CERT-UK is the UK’s national CERT and will be […]

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March 28, 2014

‘Cyber Supplier to Government’ scheme

‘Cyber Supplier to Government’ scheme

Today, a scheme was launched that enables UK cyber security suppliers to government to be able to reference this fact publicly, for example […]

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February 28, 2014

Security innovation – tackling the new shoe bomb threat

Security innovation – tackling the new shoe bomb threat

The UK’s security sector is world leading because of its constant innovation.  I was reminded of this last week, when the US Department […]

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February 27, 2014

The UK’s first Security Exports Strategy

The UK’s first Security Exports Strategy

The 27 February was a significant day for the security sector, as Theresa May, the Home Secretary, launched the UK’s first Security Exports Strategy.  […]

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Improving basic cyber security – the government’s draft standard

Improving basic cyber security – the government’s draft standard

The government intends to develop a ‘cyber hygiene profile’ (standard) to improve basic cyber security in organisations in any economic sector. The profile will: […]

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February 21, 2014

Getting more out of security R&D – academics don’t just produce paper

Getting more out of security R&D – academics don’t just produce paper

One of the big challenges in the UK’s security sector is how to make more effective use of the limited R&D funding […]

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February 14, 2014

Digital Policing – will the Met Police lead the way?

Digital Policing – will the Met Police lead the way?

The Metropolitan Police recently published its new technology strategy, Total Technology, for the period 2014 to 2017.  The drivers for this digital policing vision are: Improving […]

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