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October 9, 2014

Synergies between Counter Terrorism and Organised Crime

Synergies between Counter Terrorism and Organised Crime

Today, the Home Office announced that plans to review the structure of counter terrorism policing – in particular whether responsibility for CT […]

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October 7, 2014

Cyber insecurity – what to do about it?

Cyber insecurity – what to do about it?

Hardly a week – if not day – seems to go by without a serious vulnerability emerging in the systems used by […]

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October 3, 2014

ADS and UK Cyber Security Forum announce partnership

ADS and UK Cyber Security Forum announce partnership

Yesterday, ADS announced a new partnership with the UK Cyber Security Forum at the Malvern Festival of Innovation’s Cyber Security Innovation Showcase. The UK […]

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September 16, 2014

Survey on the government’s export support schemes

Survey on the government’s export support schemes

The Ministerial Working Group on Defence and Security Exports has commissioned the Cabinet Office to produce a paper on ‘structural impediments’ to […]

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September 12, 2014

ADS input to National Audit Office report on cyber security

ADS input to National Audit Office report on cyber security

On 10 September, the National Audit Office (NAO) published an Update on the National Cyber Security Programme. This report assesses the government’s […]

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September 4, 2014

Reform of the emergency services

Reform of the emergency services

The Coalition Government, through the Home Office, has led an extensive programme of police reform.  Whilst the reforms seemed initially to increase the complexity […]

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September 3, 2014

Security Innovation & Demonstration Centre (SIDC) – pilot project

Security Innovation & Demonstration Centre (SIDC) – pilot project

As part of the Security and Resilience Growth Partnership, ADS is leading the work of the UK’s Security and Resilience Industry Suppliers Community (RISC) […]

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September 1, 2014

New website for the UK’s Security and Resilience Industry Suppliers Community (RISC)

New website for the UK’s Security and Resilience Industry Suppliers Community (RISC)

The UK’s Security and Resilience Industry Suppliers Community (RISC) was formed in 2007, at the instigation of the Home Office.  ADS is […]

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July 29, 2014

Security Sector – Summer Reading List

Security Sector – Summer Reading List

As the summer holidays begin, I thought I would suggest a short and topical “reading list” for those interested in the security […]

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June 30, 2014

Review of DFID Framework Agreements

Review of DFID Framework Agreements

The Department for International Development (DFID) is undertaking a review of its Framework Agreements.  DFID is seeking supplier input to feed into […]

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June 16, 2014

ADS influences the Home Office’s new Police Science and Technology Unit

ADS influences the Home Office’s new Police Science and Technology Unit

The Home Office is in the process of setting up a new Police Science and Technology Unit.  ADS has been very influential in helping frame […]

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June 13, 2014

What will digital police forces look like?

What will digital police forces look like?

Recently, the College of Policing wrote to all Chief Constables and PCCs, the Policing Minister and HMIC about digital capabilities.  A new College of […]

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May 20, 2014

ADS input to Cyber Essentials Scheme

ADS input to Cyber Essentials Scheme

I have blogged before about the government’s new Cyber Essentials Scheme. On 12 May 2014, ADS hosted a roundtable to provide input […]

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May 2, 2014

Serious and Organised Crime – National Strategic Assessment

Serious and Organised Crime – National Strategic Assessment

On 1 May, the National Crime Agency published a national assessment of the impact of and the threat to the UK from […]

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Home Office call – explosives precursors

Home Office call – explosives precursors

The Home Office is leading a public research call seeking to identify additives to or substitutions for explosives precursors and poisons to […]

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