June 6, 2018

Securing the Future: The UK’s new counter-terrorism strategy

Securing the Future: The UK’s new counter-terrorism strategy

A firm response to the 2017 terrorist attacks On Sunday 3rd June 2018 the UK marked one year since the horrific London […]

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June 1, 2018

Trump, steel and protectionism

Trump, steel and protectionism

After originally exempting the EU, Canada and Mexico from steel and aluminium import tariffs, the US removed their exemptions today. All three […]

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May 29, 2018

Will the UK launch its own Galileo?

Will the UK launch its own Galileo?

Last week saw increasingly active discussion of the UK’s future in Galileo, the EU’s global navigation satellite system. On Monday, the Defence […]

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May 21, 2018

Civil drones: the world of the future

Civil drones: the world of the future

They have been the subject of science fiction for decades, but drones are arriving on our shores in ever-increasing numbers. As the […]

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Aerospace All Party Parliamentary Group visits Cranfield University

Aerospace All Party Parliamentary Group visits Cranfield University

Last week the Aerospace All Party Parliamentary Group, chaired by Chris Matheson MP, were welcomed to the world renowned Cranfield University, by […]

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May 17, 2018

Staying in EASA, ECHA isn’t cherry picking, it stands on precedent

Staying in EASA, ECHA isn’t cherry picking, it stands on precedent

In her Mansion House speech in March, the PM said that the UK would like to stay in three European Union agencies: […]

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May 11, 2018

Prosperity from Space: A British Success Story

Prosperity from Space: A British Success Story

Today UK Space published a Space Growth Partnership strategy document outlining the important collaboration between Government and industry when it comes to […]

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Apprentices with Transport Secretary Chris Grayling
May 10, 2018

Apprentices: Engineering Our Future

Apprentices: Engineering Our Future

The annual ADS Apprenticeship Reception was held in the House of Commons last week which celebrated the important role of the 12,000 […]

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April 24, 2018

An aviation industry for the twenty-first century

An aviation industry for the twenty-first century

On Saturday 7th April the Government published the next stage in its Aviation Strategy, which plans to set out the framework for […]

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April 19, 2018

Government re-confirms commitment on EASA post-Brexit

Government re-confirms commitment on EASA post-Brexit

Today in the House of Commons, the Secretary of State for Transport, Chris Grayling, re-confirmed the government’s intention to remain in the […]

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March 29, 2018

National Security Capability Review

National Security Capability Review

On 28th March the Government published its report into the National Security Capability Review. The NSCR updates the 2015 SDSR’s assessment of […]

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March 13, 2018

UK aerospace sector one of the hardest hit by Brexit

UK aerospace sector one of the hardest hit by Brexit

Last Autumn, ADS published our ‘Building Brexit’ report which estimated that post-Brexit, the UK aerospace sector could face additional costs of almost […]

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March 6, 2018

The Challenge of Better Public Procurement

The Challenge of Better Public Procurement

The challenge of better public procurement is felt right across Government, with many departments being asked to deliver better value for money […]

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March 2, 2018

Current Position on the Post-Brexit Security and Defence Relationship

Current Position on the Post-Brexit Security and Defence Relationship

As news on the UK’s negotiating position becomes ever so slightly clearer week by week, the EU’s Task Force 50 has released […]

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Jeremy Corbyn
February 26, 2018

Labour backs customs union membership

Labour backs customs union membership

Labour Leader Jeremy Corbyn today gave more details about the party’s shift in position on the customs union alongside more insight into […]

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