December 22, 2015

‘Tis the season to celebrate spaceflight

‘Tis the season to celebrate spaceflight

  2015 has seen spaceflight propelled into the spotlight – the news today that SpaceX managed to land a booster rocket back on […]

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December 16, 2015

A Step Closer to the UK Referendum on EU Membership

A Step Closer to the UK Referendum on EU Membership

This week EU leaders will gather in Brussels for the final European Council meeting of this year. Given recent developments in the […]

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November 30, 2015

COP21 and Aviation

COP21 and Aviation

Over the next 12 days, global Heads of State and national governments, as well as both business and civil society, will descend […]

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November 26, 2015

Chancellor backs UK Aerospace innovation

Chancellor backs UK Aerospace innovation

On the ADS blog last week we wrote about why innovation would be a key issue, both for our industries and for the UK’s […]

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November 23, 2015

#SDSR live blog

#SDSR live blog

Follow ADS’ live blog for the latest updates on the Government’s Strategic Defence and Security Review (SDSR): 7.30pm A copy of the Prime […]

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November 20, 2015

Why innovation matters in both next week’s SDSR & Spending Review

Why innovation matters in both next week’s SDSR & Spending Review

Next week is set to be a busy week for major set piece events in Parliament. On Monday afternoon the Prime Minister […]

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November 10, 2015

MPs highlight UK Aerospace success

MPs highlight UK Aerospace success

This morning MPs used BIS oral questions in the House of Commons to champion the success of the UK’s aerospace sector. Andrew […]

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October 21, 2015

Increasing UK-China relations and the opportunity for UK Aerospace

Increasing UK-China relations and the opportunity for UK Aerospace

Following the very British welcome extended to Chinese President Xi Jinping in the UK this week, today’s agenda will shift to trade, business and […]

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September 21, 2015

UK membership of the EU and the Future of EASA

UK membership of the EU and the Future of EASA

Last week, the EU Parliament’s Sky and Space Intergroup held a high level discussion forum between MEPs, industry and EU institutions – […]

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July 16, 2015

Celebrating the Importance of Apprenticeships

Celebrating the Importance of Apprenticeships

Yesterday evening, ADS hosted a successful reception at the Houses of Parliament – which celebrated the important role of apprenticeships across the […]

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July 3, 2015

What could the closure of the US Export-Import Bank mean for the Aerospace Industry?

What could the closure of the US Export-Import Bank mean for the Aerospace Industry?

This week, time finally ran out for the re-authorisation of the US Export-Import Bank (Ex-Im), after a lengthy and fiercely public battle […]

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July 1, 2015

Industrial Strategy in Action – The ATI Technology Strategy Launch

Industrial Strategy in Action – The ATI Technology Strategy Launch

The UK’s Aerospace Technology Institute (ATI) has today launched its new technology strategy which sets out how UK companies can work together […]

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June 26, 2015

Growing Innovation – The Importance of the UK’s Catapult Centres

Growing Innovation – The Importance of the UK’s Catapult Centres

Earlier this month, the ADS Public Affairs, Policy and Media team visited the UK’s Satellite Applications Catapult Centre – set on the […]

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June 22, 2015

3D Printing – Shaping the Future

3D Printing – Shaping the Future

Today marks the official opening of the National Centre for Net Shape and Additive Manufacturing at the Manufacturing Technology Centre in Coventry. […]

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May 22, 2015

#ExportWeek: How to Grow UK Space Exports…

#ExportWeek: How to Grow UK Space Exports…

In our final blog this week to celebrate UKTI’s national ‘Export Week’ – we take a look at the opportunities for UK […]

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