October 3, 2018

Latest on No Deal planning by EASA

Latest on No Deal planning by EASA

EASA notification for UK organisations to apply for certain Third Country approvals On 2nd October, EASA issued a notice to say they […]

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September 25, 2018

Who holds the power in EU Aviation Agreements?

Who holds the power in EU Aviation Agreements?

It was recently reported that Chris Grayling had written to all the transport ministers from EU27 countries in an attempt to secure […]

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How will Aerospace be affected by No Deal?

How will Aerospace be affected by No Deal?

Government Technical Notices Yesterday the Government published a third round of Technical Notices, laying out what the UK will do in the […]

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September 5, 2018

A Balancing Act: UK Defence Procurement post-Brexit

A Balancing Act: UK Defence Procurement post-Brexit

Could Brexit actually lead to simpler defence procurement? Far away from the political maneuvering, backstops and negotiations is the mountain of UK […]

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August 29, 2018

Brexit: Will no deal ground aircraft in March 2019?

Brexit: Will no deal ground aircraft in March 2019?

As the date of the UK’s exit from the European Union comes closer without agreement on an orderly withdrawal, more focus is […]

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July 25, 2018

FIA18 RECAP – Brexit and Beyond

FIA18 RECAP – Brexit and Beyond

One of the major themes that was prominent through Farnborough Airshow was the dreaded ‘B’ word, Brexit. However coupled with speeches made […]

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July 12, 2018

ADS and CAA Brexit contingency planning

ADS and CAA Brexit contingency planning

At the beginning of this week, the Civil Aviation Authority updated its website to add a section on EU Exit to cover […]

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May 29, 2018

Will the UK launch its own Galileo?

Will the UK launch its own Galileo?

Last week saw increasingly active discussion of the UK’s future in Galileo, the EU’s global navigation satellite system. On Monday, the Defence […]

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May 17, 2018

Staying in EASA, ECHA isn’t cherry picking, it stands on precedent

Staying in EASA, ECHA isn’t cherry picking, it stands on precedent

In her Mansion House speech in March, the PM said that the UK would like to stay in three European Union agencies: […]

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May 16, 2018

Future of UK security cooperation with Europe

Future of UK security cooperation with Europe

UK remains committed to Europe’s collective security On 14th May Andrew Parker, the Director General of MI5, gave his first public speech […]

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March 19, 2018

Committee examines the impact of Brexit on the Aerospace Sector

Committee examines the impact of Brexit on the Aerospace Sector

The House of Commons Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy Committee this morning released its latest report which looks at the impact that […]

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March 13, 2018

UK aerospace sector one of the hardest hit by Brexit

UK aerospace sector one of the hardest hit by Brexit

Last Autumn, ADS published our ‘Building Brexit’ report which estimated that post-Brexit, the UK aerospace sector could face additional costs of almost […]

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March 9, 2018

European Council’s draft Brexit guidelines point towards agreement on aviation

European Council’s draft Brexit guidelines point towards agreement on aviation

This week, European Council President Donald Tusk outlined draft guidelines on the framework for the future relationship with the UK post-Brexit. The draft […]

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March 2, 2018

Post-Brexit Regulatory Relationship: EASA and REACH

Post-Brexit Regulatory Relationship: EASA and REACH

Despite Brexit, European regulation will remain crucial for the aerospace industry. EASA and REACH in particular are both critical for businesses, and […]

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Current Position on the Post-Brexit Security and Defence Relationship

Current Position on the Post-Brexit Security and Defence Relationship

As news on the UK’s negotiating position becomes ever so slightly clearer week by week, the EU’s Task Force 50 has released […]

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