April 3, 2019

Jumpstart Guest Blog: four facts about Patent Box you can’t afford to ignore

Jumpstart Guest Blog: four facts about Patent Box you can’t afford to ignore

ADS member Jumpstart are the UK’s leading Innovation Funding specialists providing a complete service in claiming R&D tax relief and Patent Box […]

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March 15, 2019

Spring Statement 2019: Weak business investment lowers GDP forecast

Spring Statement 2019: Weak business investment lowers GDP forecast

Written by Aimie Stone, Senior Economist at ADS In its most recent Economic and Fiscal Outlook, the Office of Budget Responsibility (OBR) […]

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Thales Logo
March 11, 2019

Thales Demonstrate Prosperity in Action

Thales Demonstrate Prosperity in Action

Written by Ally Ambroziak, Government Relations, Thales UK.  Last week saw the launch of an independent report commissioned by Thales. We took […]

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February 26, 2019

No Deal Simplifications for Business

No Deal Simplifications for Business

Written by Aimie Stone, Senior Economist at ADS In the event of a No Deal Brexit, businesses trading with the EU will […]

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February 15, 2019

Spring Statement and Spending Review 2019: What to expect

Spring Statement and Spending Review 2019: What to expect

Written by Aimie Stone, Senior Economist at ADS The Institute for Government (IfG) and Institute for Fiscal Studies (IFS) held a briefing […]

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January 28, 2019

Cashflow Implications in a No-deal Scenario

Cashflow Implications in a No-deal Scenario

Written by Andy Johnston, Defence Policy Advisor and Aimie Stone, Senior Economist For the UK Aerospace, Defence & Security industries the consequences […]

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October 9, 2018

Prioritise cash-flow and productivity in October Budget

Prioritise cash-flow and productivity in October Budget

There are less than three weeks until Chancellor of the Exchequer Philip Hammond delivers his 2018 Budget on 29th October, with industry […]

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June 11, 2018

Industrial Strategy successes must not be overlooked

Industrial Strategy successes must not be overlooked

Today The Guardian reports that some UK business organisations have joined with Opposition parties Labour and the Liberal Democrats in calling on […]

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June 1, 2018

Trump, steel and protectionism

Trump, steel and protectionism

After originally exempting the EU, Canada and Mexico from steel and aluminium import tariffs, the US removed their exemptions today. All three […]

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March 13, 2018

UK aerospace sector one of the hardest hit by Brexit

UK aerospace sector one of the hardest hit by Brexit

Last Autumn, ADS published our ‘Building Brexit’ report which estimated that post-Brexit, the UK aerospace sector could face additional costs of almost […]

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January 21, 2018

Staying in a customs union is best for Britain, business

Staying in a customs union is best for Britain, business

Ahead of a major speech by their DG Carolyn Fairbairn, the CBI have called for the UK remain in a customs union […]

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December 1, 2017

Sky News signals Government will seek continued EASA membership

Sky News signals Government will seek continued EASA membership

Sky News Political Editor Faisal Islam today covered a potentially significant development in the Government’s post-Brexit plans for aerospace. Under the headline […]

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July 13, 2017

EURATOM, EMA & EASA: What the debate about regulation tells us about Brexit

EURATOM, EMA & EASA: What the debate about regulation tells us about Brexit

Over the past couple of weeks, we’ve seen some fairly high-level interventions on the UK’s post regulatory environment. For me, it started […]

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March 31, 2017

ADS Podcast: The road to Brexit

ADS Podcast: The road to Brexit

In the week that the Government triggered Article 50, published its White Paper on the Great Repeal Bill, and the European Union […]

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March 8, 2017

Brexit: The elephant in the Budget

Brexit: The elephant in the Budget

The Chancellor’s first and last Spring Budget was always going to be a placeholder until the new Autumn Budget expected later this […]

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