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March 19, 2014

Budget 2014: The good, the bad & the ugly

Budget 2014: The good, the bad & the ugly

So, a quick overview of the Budget implications from a helicopter view point: The good: Significant support for investment (increasing AIA to […]

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March 18, 2014

Shortage of Engineering Skills

Shortage of Engineering Skills

A couple of weeks ago, an industry colleague challenged me, saying ‘Everyone bangs on about a skills shortage, but where’s the evidence?’ […]

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March 5, 2014

Mexico: Future Aerospace powerhouse?

Mexico: Future Aerospace powerhouse?

Today’s release of the ‘ADS Global Aerospace Outlook 2014’ identifies Mexico as one of 9 priority countries that the UK aerospace industry […]

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February 14, 2014

Sterling strength

Sterling strength

Yesterday, I blogged on the changes to monetary policy announced by Mark Carney, the governor of the Bank of England. The markets […]

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February 13, 2014

Unreasonable expectations? Interest rates are going up soon, or may go up later.

Unreasonable expectations? Interest rates are going up soon, or may go up later.

Yesterday, Mark Carney, the Government of the Bank of England, set out further guidance on its forward guidance (i.e. not considering raising […]

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January 31, 2014

US lessons for the UK economy

US lessons for the UK economy

US GDP figures out yesterday shed some new light on the outlook for the UK economy. Fourth quarter DGP growth was 3.2% […]

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January 29, 2014

State of the Union 2014: Lessons for the UK?

State of the Union 2014: Lessons for the UK?

Last night, President Obama delivered his annual State of the Union address in which he outlined some of the measures required in order […]

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January 28, 2014

UK economy – maintaining the growth momentum

UK economy – maintaining the growth momentum

It is encouraging news that that the UK’s economic recovery is really starting to take hold.  For the first time since the […]

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Commercial aircraft orders up 28% to a record 3,182 in 2013

Commercial aircraft orders up 28% to a record 3,182 in 2013

2013 proved to be a record year for the global commercial aircraft industry.   Global demand for new aircraft and engines is generating new demand […]

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January 23, 2014

Busy start to the year? (or why the economy might be growing faster than we thought)

Busy start to the year? (or why the economy might be growing faster than we thought)

At the end of the first full week in January, most people I had talked to (admittedly in London) felt like the winter holidays […]

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OBR’s 3 factors influencing business investment

OBR’s 3 factors influencing business investment

Alongside the Autumn Statement last December, the Office of Budget Responsibility (OBR) published its Economic and Fiscal Outlook. The report addresses the […]

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January 21, 2014

Net lending to manufacturing down 40%

Net lending to manufacturing down 40%

A tweet and article by Chris Dillow alerted me to the Bank of England net lending figures for manufacturing (which only go back […]

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January 17, 2014

4 questions raised by Ed Miliband’s speech

4 questions raised by Ed Miliband’s speech

  Earlier today, Labour Leader Ed Miliband set out his stall on the economy. His speech, focusing primarily on fixing the British banking […]

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Robots and jobs (again)

Robots and jobs (again)

As an economist, I hate bad data and over interpretation of bad data. And although a picture may say a thousand words, […]

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January 13, 2014

FT: Business investment key to recovery

FT: Business investment key to recovery

The FT’s leader today focuses on the sustainability of the UK’s fragile recovery. It’s worth a read, but the key points are […]

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