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May 28, 2014

Summers echoes Piketty: Robots are not stealing jobs

Summers echoes Piketty: Robots are not stealing jobs

The FT has reported that, speaking at the Inclusive Capitalism Conference yesterday, Larry Summers, former US Treasury Secretary and Chair of Obama’s […]

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May 20, 2014

What could a Modi Government mean for UK business?

What could a Modi Government mean for UK business?

Since his overwhelming election on 16th May, there has been a lot of focus on what a Nahendra Modi Government could mean […]

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May 19, 2014

Housing Bubble Trouble?

Housing Bubble Trouble?

A central theme of the blog is that we need a sustainable recovery, built on investment and exports, not another housing bubble […]

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May 7, 2014

“It’s the economy, stupid” – Labour party edition

“It’s the economy, stupid” – Labour party edition

th exactly one year to go until the next General Election, political parties are sharpening their messaging and, not surprisingly the focus […]

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“It’s the economy, stupid” – Conservative party edition

“It’s the economy, stupid” – Conservative party edition

With exactly one year to go until the next General Election, political parties are sharpening their messaging and, not surprisingly the focus […]

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May 2, 2014

Sterling strength – Understanding the impacts

Sterling strength – Understanding the impacts

It’s the question I always get from members, but I absolutely hate forecasting exchange rates. It’s a mugs game and I’m terrible […]

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April 23, 2014

Bank of England: The view on the ground

Bank of England: The view on the ground

While economists (including me!) make a living reading the tea leaves in the steady drip of economic data, most of the information […]

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April 3, 2014

Jobs, but what kind?

Jobs, but what kind?

The ever interesting ONS Monthly Economic Review was released yesterday, and alongside some detail on why productivity remains low (job creation in […]

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March 31, 2014

Defence most at risk from new Spending Cuts?

Defence most at risk from new Spending Cuts?

The FT leader this morning highlights the need for clarity around the next wave (ie post-election) spending cuts. The FT’s key concern […]

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March 25, 2014

US & UK labour market flexibility

US & UK labour market flexibility

The FT’s Robin Harding and Sarah O’Conner take a look at the US and UK labour markets in the FT today, noting […]

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March 20, 2014

Budget 2014: Not the right type of growth

Budget 2014: Not the right type of growth

Yesterday’s Budget was always going to be an awkward mix between political positioning, policy ‘rabbits’ and economic finessing. Yet despite the good […]

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Budget 2014: Underwhelming exports

Budget 2014: Underwhelming exports

Despite the rhetoric on supporting exports and the Government’s objective of doubling exports, the OBR’s new forecasts provide a rather bleak outlook. […]

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Budget 2014: Boost to Business Investment?

Budget 2014: Boost to Business Investment?

One of ADS’ key concerns heading in to yesterday’s Budget was that the Government couldn’t take the recovery in Business Investment for […]

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Budget 2014: More household debt, less savings

Budget 2014: More household debt, less savings

In its assessment of the economic health of the UK, the OBR has flagged up likely trends for consumers that should make […]

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