October 19, 2018

EU Summit – Deal or No Deal?

EU Summit – Deal or No Deal?

It has, yet again, been a busy week of Brexit news with the star of the show being the EU Summit in […]

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October 9, 2018

Prioritise cash-flow and productivity in October Budget

Prioritise cash-flow and productivity in October Budget

There are less than three weeks until Chancellor of the Exchequer Philip Hammond delivers his 2018 Budget on 29th October, with industry […]

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October 4, 2018

Five things we learnt at party conferences

Five things we learnt at party conferences

As the 2018 party conference season draws to a close, ADS reflects on the key themes and discussions over the past three […]

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October 3, 2018

Latest on No Deal planning by EASA

Latest on No Deal planning by EASA

EASA notification for UK organisations to apply for certain Third Country approvals On 2nd October, EASA issued a notice to say they […]

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September 25, 2018

Who holds the power in EU Aviation Agreements?

Who holds the power in EU Aviation Agreements?

It was recently reported that Chris Grayling had written to all the transport ministers from EU27 countries in an attempt to secure […]

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How will Aerospace be affected by No Deal?

How will Aerospace be affected by No Deal?

Government Technical Notices Yesterday the Government published a third round of Technical Notices, laying out what the UK will do in the […]

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September 11, 2018

ADS correspondence with the European Commission

ADS correspondence with the European Commission

ADS has again written to the European Commission to make a second request for technical discussions to take place between the Civil […]

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September 5, 2018

A Balancing Act: UK Defence Procurement post-Brexit

A Balancing Act: UK Defence Procurement post-Brexit

Could Brexit actually lead to simpler defence procurement? Far away from the political maneuvering, backstops and negotiations is the mountain of UK […]

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August 29, 2018

Brexit: Will no deal ground aircraft in March 2019?

Brexit: Will no deal ground aircraft in March 2019?

As the date of the UK’s exit from the European Union comes closer without agreement on an orderly withdrawal, more focus is […]

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July 25, 2018

FIA18 RECAP – Brexit and Beyond

FIA18 RECAP – Brexit and Beyond

One of the major themes that was prominent through Farnborough Airshow was the dreaded ‘B’ word, Brexit. However coupled with speeches made […]

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July 12, 2018

ADS and CAA Brexit contingency planning

ADS and CAA Brexit contingency planning

At the beginning of this week, the Civil Aviation Authority updated its website to add a section on EU Exit to cover […]

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June 11, 2018

ADS and GAMA Letter to Michel Barnier on aviation safety talks

ADS and GAMA Letter to Michel Barnier on aviation safety talks

We are concerned that steps need to be taken urgently to make arrangements on aviation safety after the UK leaves the EU. […]

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May 29, 2018

Will the UK launch its own Galileo?

Will the UK launch its own Galileo?

Last week saw increasingly active discussion of the UK’s future in Galileo, the EU’s global navigation satellite system. On Monday, the Defence […]

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Brexit transition
May 24, 2018

ADS Letter to Nicky Morgan & Hilary Benn on Customs after Brexit

ADS Letter to Nicky Morgan & Hilary Benn on Customs after Brexit

Yesterday, following evidence sessions of the Treasury Select Committee and the Exiting the European Union Committee that each covered the topic of […]

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May 17, 2018

Staying in EASA, ECHA isn’t cherry picking, it stands on precedent

Staying in EASA, ECHA isn’t cherry picking, it stands on precedent

In her Mansion House speech in March, the PM said that the UK would like to stay in three European Union agencies: […]

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