February 27, 2019

Winging It Episode 5 – An ADS Podcast

Winging It Episode 5 – An ADS Podcast

The fifth episode of our Winging It podcast is all about women (and a touch of Brexit). Alongside our guests from Airbus […]

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February 26, 2019

No Deal Simplifications for Business

No Deal Simplifications for Business

Written by Aimie Stone, Senior Economist at ADS In the event of a No Deal Brexit, businesses trading with the EU will […]

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February 22, 2019

Preparing for No Deal: Export Licenses

Preparing for No Deal: Export Licenses

Defence exports make a huge contribution to the health of the UK defence sector, as well as the wider national economy. Between […]

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February 15, 2019

Another Government Brexit Defeat – What does it mean?

Another Government Brexit Defeat – What does it mean?

On Valentine’s Day the Prime Minister suffered an embarrassing defeat on her Brexit strategy, however, does it mean anything? In short, nothing […]

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February 14, 2019

EU Aviation Safety regulation for a No Deal Brexit

EU Aviation Safety regulation for a No Deal Brexit

Yesterday, the European Parliament voted through regulation on Brexit and aviation safety, to ensure that the European Union continues to recognise aviation […]

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February 12, 2019

Will Parliament vote for a Brexit agreement in time?

Will Parliament vote for a Brexit agreement in time?

With 23:00 on 29 March approaching quickly, time seems to be running out to find consensus on the Government’s Brexit plans before […]

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February 8, 2019

HMRC Communications Update: Business readiness for no-deal

HMRC Communications Update: Business readiness for no-deal

Written by Aimie Stone, Senior Economist at ADS HMRC have written to VAT-registered businesses in the UK trading with the EU again […]

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January 31, 2019

REACH & EASA: Latest on No Deal Brexit planning

REACH & EASA: Latest on No Deal Brexit planning

As we are now less than two months away from the 29th March, it is important for companies to be aware of […]

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January 30, 2019

Winging It Episode 4 – An ADS Podcast

Winging It Episode 4 – An ADS Podcast

In the fourth episode of Winging It, we take a look at the annual aircraft production data for 2018 and provide an […]

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January 28, 2019

Cashflow Implications in a No-deal Scenario

Cashflow Implications in a No-deal Scenario

Written by Andy Johnston, Defence Policy Advisor and Aimie Stone, Senior Economist For the UK Aerospace, Defence & Security industries the consequences […]

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Brexit transition
January 11, 2019

Brexit myth-busting: A “managed” no-deal

Brexit myth-busting: A “managed” no-deal

Written by Aimie Stone, Senior Economist at ADS The meaningful vote on Theresa May’s withdrawal agreement has been scheduled for January 15, […]

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December 19, 2018

European No Deal Plans for Aviation

European No Deal Plans for Aviation

Today, as part of a package of regulations regarding Brexit contingency planning, the European Commission has adopted two temporary regulations on aviation […]

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Winging It Episode 3 – An ADS Podcast

Winging It Episode 3 – An ADS Podcast

In the third episode of Winging It, we take a look at some of the main highlights from 2018, including Farnborough International […]

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December 13, 2018

Brexit Preparedness: Additional REACH Technical Notice

Brexit Preparedness: Additional REACH Technical Notice

The Health and Safety Executive (HSE) has published further information on the Brexit consequences of REACH for UK companies. This is following […]

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December 12, 2018

Brexit Contingency Planning: EASA third country approvals for UK companies

Brexit Contingency Planning: EASA third country approvals for UK companies

On 2 November, EASA published information about applying for ‘third country’ approvals in the event of No Deal Brexit. This would ensure […]

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