The ADS Security and Resilience Team supports members with their business development at home and internationally, providing assistance around government stakeholder engagement and input into a wide range of security-related government policies and initiatives. We help members to navigate a security and resilience landscape that is characterized by complexity and a diverse mix of organisations, including (amongst others): government departments, law enforcement and other security agencies, first responders, critical infrastructure operators, wider business sectors, academic institutions, think tanks and trade associations.

Member services and activities

To help members in this sector, ADS aims to identify opportunities for them to ensure ‘resilience’, both in the UK and internationally, which in essence means increasing the capability of any country to predict, prepare for, respond to and recover from a wide range of threats, risks and civil emergencies. Materials such as our programme guide and a paper on how we define resilience are available in the Members Area.

Through its work, ADS provides members with:

  • Deep security sector market insight (UK and international)
  • Access to decision-makers and customers at home and internationally
  • Influence over, and understanding of, industry-related security policy decisions
  • Cost-effective, high quality security events, both in the UK and overseas
  • The ability to develop partnerships across the security and resilience landscape

Policy priorities

AI is transforming security, both as a defensive tool and an enabler of new threats. Cybercriminals are increasingly using AI to automate attacks, manipulate digital identities, and conduct large-scale fraud. Deepfake technology is already being used to target businesses and individuals, posing a rising threat to both political stability and commercial security.

The Cyber Security and Resilience Bill will place greater obligations on companies to safeguard digital infrastructure. Businesses should prioritise investment in AI-driven cybersecurity, with security requirements linked to deepfake detection and biometric identity systems: providing opportunity for industry alongside a need to keep pace with evolving threats.

The nature of crime is changing. Violent crime rates have declined but theft, fraud, and organised retail crime are on the rise. New security solutions, such as electronic article surveillance and biometric authentication, are essential to tackling these challenges. Policing continues to grapple with the challenges and opportunities of managing ever larger sets of data.

The introduction of Martyn’s Law in the UK will require organisations to strengthen protective security in public spaces, generating demand for security tech, crowd monitoring systems, and risk assessment tools.

Counter-terrorism policy is undergoing a strategic refresh with the Government expected to take a more proactive approach, leading to greater investment in surveillance and behavioural analytics. This Government also has a mission to deliver Safer Streets and tackle violence against women and girls (VAWG), which will shape future investment.

The UK continues to reassess its approach to national resilience, which will shape policy in areas such as disaster response and infrastructure resilience, meaning a drive in industrial capabilities that support crisis response, including surveillance, communications, and protective equipment.

The Strategic Security Review will define key priorities for UK security in the years ahead. However, for industry, uncertainty remains over whether this will translate into tangible opportunities.

Security and defence companies are set to have a greater role in the UK’s economic and foreign policy, particularly in response to geopolitical instability. A potential UK-EU defence and security pact should open new opportunities for industry, particularly in cybersecurity, border security, and intelligence cooperation.

Economic security has moved up the political agenda, with greater scrutiny on foreign investment in sensitive sectors and an increased focus on supply chain resilience.

The UK-US relationship and Five Eyes alliance remain critical to defence and security partnerships but concerns over China’s cyber capabilities and influence in global supply chains are likely to shape future policy.

The UK’s 100-year partnership with Ukraine, aimed at supporting reconstruction and security cooperation, presents opportunities for UK businesses in defence, infrastructure, and border security.

Priority initiatives

  • Supporting the Security and Resilience Growth Partnership (SRGP) and the Joint Security and Resilience Centre (JSaRC): ADS works with JSaRC and the enhanced SRGP to coordinate procurement, innovation, exports and skills policy and to provide the government with the necessary technologies, expertise, and services to help deliver national security objectives.
  • Promoting a ‘Virtuous Circle’ from research to commercialisation: In line with the Defence and Security Industrial Strategy, ADS works with a range of Government departments to promote greater transparency of security requirements and to foster coordination between R&D investment and subsequent procurement opportunities.
  • Strengthening UK Security Exports: To promote a whole-of-Government approach to security exports, particularly working with UKDSE and JSaRC, to ensure that UK export policy supports the UK security industry.
  • Leading the UK Security and Resilience Industry Suppliers Community: ADS has a leading role in bringing the wider security and resilience sector together under the alliance of RISC, providing a unified voice for the sector in engagement with the Security Minister-led SRGP.
  • Maximising the Security Sector’s Engagement with Government:  Engaging with government on behalf of the security industry to help develop and implement policy, including the Defence and Security Industrial Strategy, the forthcoming national resilience strategy, and the next cyber security strategy.

Special interest groups (SIGs)

ADS operates the following Special Interest Groups to support the UK security industry’s activities:

Boards and Committees

ADS runs a number of dedicated Boards and Committees for members which are focused on the strategic planning and operational delivery relating to topics of importance for the Sectors.

Learn more

Policy work

The ADS Security and Resilience Team works closely with our in-house Policy Team, within which dedicated policy advisers for the sectors we represent work to shape the political, economic and business environment within which our members operate. ADS is founding member and strong supporter of the work of theUK Security and Resilience Industry Suppliers’ Community (RISC), for which we provide secretariat support and through which we work with partners to advance our members’ objectives within the policy environment.

Learn more


We facilitate the showcasing of security capabilities by co-ordinating UK Pavilions at key global Security exhibitions. Many of these are hosted in partnership with the UK Government.

ADS organise the annual Home Office Security and Policing event together with a series of Public Security Exhibitions throughout the year.

We also host topical monthly Member briefings cover key domestic and international security related programmes and initiatives.

Security & Resilience events

Contact us

Contact  us  to find out more about any of the areas that you may be interested in.