ADS supports and works with the UK MOD, the Home Office, the FCO, DIT UK Defence and Security Exports and the Security Services, helping member companies to grow and export.

The defence team also provide a number of specialist services such as advice on export licensing, commercial issues, offsets, international trafficking in arms regulations and the EU Defence & Security Directive.

Priority initiatives

Our defence priorities include working with Government to ensure the UK Defence industry can maximise its contribution to national security and economic prosperity.

  • Implementing the Integrated Review and Defence & Security Industrial Strategy: Supporting Government to implement the Integrated Review and Defence & Security Industrial Strategy, creating new opportunities for SMEs.
  • Promoting the Defence Growth Partnership: Working to support the DGP as it seeks to grow the UK’s global market share throughincreased exports, foster greater collaboration and innovation across the sector, and improve competitiveness through the whole value chain.
  • Strengthening the UK Defence ExportsWorking across government to identify and resolve barriers to defence and security exports, promote a ‘Team UK’ approach to exports and ensure exportability is a key consideration in the defence procurement process.
  • Supporting SMEsPromoting the interests of SMEs and working to ensure government commercial policies encourage SMEs to do business with the MOD

Defence Impact Highlights 2024


Driving meaningful progress for members

Our Defence Impact Report is an opportunity to demonstrate the tangible progress on key initiatives in 2024. In this Highlights version we report on areas such as Influence, Thought Leadership, Networking, Business Development and Services. We also identify opportunities to look out for in 2025.

A comprehensive Defence Impact Report is also available. Speak to the Defence team for details.

View report

Special Interest Groups (SIGs)

ADS operates a number of groups to support specialist business development requirements of its members. These are open to all members to join. Some of the areas covered include:

Boards and Committees

ADS runs a number of dedicated Boards and Committees for members which are focused on the strategic planning and operational delivery relating to topics of importance for the Sectors.

Learn more

Policy work

The policy team works with the government to shape the political, economic and business environment within which our Members operate. For the defence sector, working with the government also influences capability requirements and leads to business opportunities.

Learn more


We facilitate the showcasing of defence capabilities by co-ordinating UK Pavilions at key global Defence trade shows and exhibitions. Many of these are hosted in partnership with UK Government. We also offer hospitality services and exhibiting opportunities at the biennial Farnborough International Airshow.

Training courses and workshops provide specialised and up to date knowledge on topics such as Ministry of Defence contracting frameworks, exporting regulations and procurement programmes. Webinars, conferences and briefings focus on market access and business development opportunities.

We partner with the Royal Air Force and Army HQ on a number of symposia to provide industry updates on requirements and programmes.

Defence events

Business Development

ADS has dedicated resource looking at markets and opportunities across the world. This information can be accessed in The Business Development Centre (BDC) in our Members Area.

Members area

Contact us

Contact us to find out more about any of the areas that you may be interested in.

Social Value 101


A guide to Social Value when writing tenders

The Social Value 101 guide sets out clear guidance to help SMEs articulate the Social Value they will deliver as they go through the tender process.

It is designed for those new to Social Value and as a helpful reminder to others; outlining considerations at each stage of the procurement process to help drive positive change.

Read the Guide (PDF)