BOOKINGS CLOSED - Due to the close proximity of this event, bookings are now closed. If you have enquiries relating to this event please contact Christine Gomm.

ADS is jointly organising with its counterpart in Portugal, idD – Portugal Defence, an "Industry Day Portugal-UK", which is due to be held at the historic Forte de S. Julião da Barra, in Oeiras, Lisbon, with a further, follow-up networking opportunity to follow at this year’s Farnborough International Airshow, in July. 

idD Portugal Defence manages the shares that the Portuguese State holds in Defence companies, a group of multi-domain entities covering the naval and aeronautical industries, engineering, simulation and training, critical systems and communication systems, promoting a coherent and integrated management of these shares and contributing to a more competitive Defence Economy.

This conference will provide a platform to explore business development opportunities between both industries, whether seeking new business, collaborative partners in each country or to address opportunities in third countries, or new sources of supply. 

The Portuguese Armed Forces’ fully budgeted capability shopping lists include: 

  • 6 x new-build offshore patrol vessels (based on an existing design, but with plenty of scope for UK firms to get involved in supplying on-board systems)
  • 1 x new-build replenishment vessel
  • 1 x logistics support vessel
  • Upgrade and modernisation of the Portuguese Navy’s 3 x  Vasco da Gama-class (MEKO 200) frigates (supplied in 1991-1992)
  • Replacement of the Air Force’s 24 x Lockheed Martin F-16A fighters (supplied in 1994-1998) sometime after 2030
  • Cyber defence
  • Future Soldier Systems
  • Uncrewed systems of various types 

They also have a very strong interest in the space sector, and are also interested in the greater use of “Green Technologies”. idD also provides a focus on the space sector. 

In OGMA, part of the Embraer group, they have a relatively large company involved in the aerospace industry.


The draft agenda with timings can be viewed here.

To book:

Bookings are now closed - Bookings will include: access to the networking drinks reception on the evening of 11 May, attendance at the conference and business-to-business meetings on 12 May 2022 for one delegate.

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Contact us

Christine Gomm

Event Manager

Tel: 0207 091 1144
Christine Gomm
