Over the last few years, we have seen a significant growth in interest in sustainability or “ESG” (environmental, social and governance) in the media, by the public as well as from investors, banks, customers and employees.
But what are the challenges and opportunities for our sectors and how can ADS help?
It is against this background that ADS relevant special interest groups, the Business Ethics Network, the Export Group for Aerospace, Defence & Dual-Use (EGADD) and the Sustainability Working Group, as well as the Supply Chains for the 21st Century (SC21) improvement programme are collaborating in trying to raise greater awareness within ADS membership of these ESG issues, as well as how they can and do impact on the commercial activities of responsible companies.
The panellists who will be participating in this webinar lead a number of ADS special interest groups (SIGs). They will provide some context to the rapidly changing landscape (from net zero and modern slavery to social value) and signpost to how these SIGs can help and support members.