Next week is set to be a busy week for major set piece events in Parliament. On Monday afternoon the Prime Minister will be publishing the Strategic Defence and Security Review and the National Security Strategy, and then on Wednesday lunchtime the Chancellor will announce the Spending Review, alongside his Autumn Statement.

For our sectors, innovation is a key issue for both the SDSR and the Spending Review.

Investment in science and innovation strengthens our global competitiveness, helps to develop high-tech exports and generates long term, well-paid and highly skilled jobs.

In an increasingly complex security environment, sustained investment in R&D and innovation is also important in order to stay ahead of rapidly evolving threats to our national security.

In the forthcoming Spending Review we are looking for the government to provide long-term commitment to building on what works (like the Aerospace Growth Partnership), boost innovation funding and give it strategic focus, and work with industry to target reform to maximise efficiency and effectiveness.

This week we saw Airbus Helicopters accelerate its industrialisation here in the UK. The company has received funding for two R&D projects – including one through the Aerospace Technology Institute (born out of the AGP) to develop technologies to measure blade deformations in flight. As the Chief Executive of the ATI said, this is “a good example of how a major global prime can be attracted to locate its R&D in the UK because of the strength of our research centres, supply chain and the government’s support for innovation”.

Support for innovation like this is vital for UK industry as we compete against other industrial nations in an increasingly competitive global market.

By investing in innovation UK businesses are able to develop better products and more efficient manufacturing techniques, enabling UK industry to remain globally competitive and to support both our economic prosperity and our national security.