
We would like to invite ADS members to participate in our latest survey in association with PwC.

Today’s changing landscape is prompting organisations to identify new ways to maintain and grow revenues while also reducing costs to become a leaner, more efficient organisation. This requires levels of innovation that go beyond research and development in product innovations, but also innovation in internal business processes and within an organisation’s business model.

To gain a better understanding of what this innovation looks like in this challenging business environment, ADS is working with PwC to gather the views of organisations across the aerospace, defence, security and space sectors. We want to understand how the current COVID-19 pandemic has impacted your organisation, has this changed the levels of innovation within your organisation and the challenges you face in realising the benefits from new innovations.

The survey should take approximately 20 minutes to complete.



We will be launching the report in September and would also like to invite you to join a live webinar to discuss the findings.

After the launch you will also have the opportunity to discuss this in the context of your organisation with one of PwC’s advisors, the details of which are available at the end of the survey.

This survey will close on Friday 24th July 2020.If you have any questions or feedback, please get in touch with Paul Harvey.

Thank you in advance for your valuable contribution.

The survey is run in partnership between ADS and PwC. To complete, please type in your responses and click ‘Next’ to move on to the next screen. Please click ‘Submit’ at the end of the final screen to complete. If you have any queries regarding the survey please contact Paul Harvey from PwC. You have received this as you are a Member of ADS. Once completed PwC will not contact you other than for the purpose of this survey and will not pass on your details to any third party. Further details are in the PwC Privacy Policy.